Voddie Baucham Confirms He’s Been Asked to Accept SBC Prez. Nomination, but Believes He’s Ineligible

Southern Baptist Pastor Voddie Baucham has confirmed that he’s been asked to accept the nomination for President of the Southern Baptist Convention but isn’t sure he’s eligible to accept, following the timely announcement from current SBC President and serial plagiarizer Ed Litton, who announced his resignation after only one year.
The concern for the beloved conservative pastor is on account of SBC Article VIII, which states:
Officers of the Convention, all officers and members of all boards, trustees of institutions, directors, all committee members, and all missionaries of the Convention appointed by its boards shall be members of Baptist churches cooperating with this Convention.
Baucham, who for years has been serving as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Zambia, Africa, is a member of a church in his country not affiliated with the SBC. In a statement made to the Christian Post, He explains in part:
“I have indeed been asked to accept a nomination for SBC President. While I am honored to have been asked, I am not sure I am eligible. There are questions about the way church membership is considered for missionaries.
My sending church (the church I planted) has always practiced regenerate, resident church membership. Unfortunately, this is not common practice in many SBC churches. As such, we have always believed that missionaries sent to the field needed to join local churches in order to be shepherded properly.
…Unfortunately, since the SBC is an American entity, that means missionaries who leave the USA must either practice non-resident membership (which I am convinced is unbiblical), or join a local church and be ‘technically’ outside the SBC while being counted as SBC missionaries.
…Many spend years on the field being ‘members’ of churches thousands of miles away, refusing to submit to local church leadership on the ground, and suffering spiritually as a result. Either that, or they practice some kind of ‘dual membership.’ Either way, it sends a terrible message to those whom we serve.
…I am a missionary sent by an SBC church, supported by an SBC church, reporting to an SBC church, but am technically not a member of that SBC church because my family and I entrusted our souls to a healthy, indigenous, local Baptist church at the behest of our SBC church. Hence, it appears my commitment to missions and biblical church membership has rendered me ineligible for any office in the SBC. At least that’s the way I read it.”
Baucham, who had a major health scare last year and was within hours of dying after making an emergency trip from Zambia to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, and then raised over 1.2 million dollars in Gofundme support for his surgeries and post-op medical care. He wrote the best-selling book “Fault lines” and has been openly critical of Critical Race Theory and liberalism creeping into a church.
So far, Willy Rice has also accepted a nomination to run (more on that dreadful bit of news here) and there has been no word yet whether Al Mohler or Pastor Mike Stone will run again.
Mmmmm…..bacon. There are many animal worshipers in the church. It now socially acceptable to care more about pets than humans, sadly. I have left my last 3 “churches” due to dogs being brought to the sanctuary by people that aren’t blind (they just have no regard for others and are too involved with their filthy, needy, furry, self-affirmation idols to care about boundaries…dog people are the worst [narcissists]. Like Hitler. Hitler’s dogs loved him.)
Wrong post…this should have been on the baptism one.
Voddie was very diplomatic relaying his answer to their request. There was so much more he could have said. Hmmm