Say What? United Methodists Condemn Efforts to Vaccinate Conservative Members For This Wild Reason

The last fifty years have not been kind to the United Methodists of the United States. The denomination’s U.S. membership peaked in 1970, and continued to steadily decline over the past 50 years as its leadership dove down the slippery slope of “modernism”. United Methodist Liberals, who followed the tenants of modernism, jettisoned the plain meaning of the Biblical text for carnal interpretations that began with the motive of reaching a compromise with the world on the meaning of scripture and the definition of sin. The majority of U.S. UMC church leaders now deny the basic tenants of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, the inerrancy of scripture, and the sufficiency of scripture.
They co-opt the term ‘gospel’, gutting it of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the atonement of sin. The rotting corpse of a theology that today’s Methodists call “Gospel” is a shell of the person Jesus, who has been stripped of his deity, stuffed with every form of unscriptural leftist social justice propaganda, and propped up as a type of effeminate Mr. Rogers who wants you to “love your neighbor”, but could care less about whether or not you love God or keep his commandments.
“Open hearts, open minds, open doors” has led people to follow their desperately wicked hearts, opened the minds of parishioners to follow teachings that are clearly contrary to scripture, and opened the doors of church membership and leadership to those who are unrepentantly wicked, including sodomites and those who oppose the basic tenants of Christian faith. The result of this shift has been an enormous shipwreck of faith, as members fall into confusion and apostasy.
Even as the United Methodists prepare to split into two separate denominations (one full blown social-Marxist and the other social-Marxist lite, with a disagreement over the acceptance of sodomite clergy and sodomite mirage), United Methodists have a Gospel of hope that they would like to share with their congregations and the world. Has the UMC returned to its first love and resolved to spread the Gospel of Jesus that was taught by John Wesley? Guess again.
The United Methodist Church wants to share the hope that they have in the COVID Vaccine and invite you to ask jab into your arm. They don’t believe in security of the vaccinated, so you will probably have to ask jab into your arm an indefinite number of times, and work out your immunity with fear and trembling. Nevertheless, even as the rest of the world is moving away from vaccine mandates and COVID prevention protocols, the leadership of the UMC advocates for vaccine evangelism, creating a handbook to, “help congregations reach out to the unvaccinated” in their communities.
As UMC denominational delegates prepare to meet for the 2022 General Conference in Minneapolis, MN, a meeting that will determine the speed and course of the denominational split, the moderate Wesleyan Covenant Association announced plans to raise funds for international delegates from Africa, Eurasia, and the Philippines to travel and receive COVID Vaccination, a requirement in order to travel and attend the conference. The delegates at the conference include delegates from the United States (56% of total delegates), which are predominantly liberal, and delegates from Africa and Asia (38% of total delegates); who tend to be poor, more conservative, and adhere to Biblical sexuality. In a script that only makes sense in the clown world of 2022, the council of bishops of the UMC condemned the Wesleyan Covenant Association’s plans to help delegates from the third world as a plan that “bears all the marks of colonialism.”
“Offering vaccines to General Conference delegates or covering the cost of delegates to travel to places where they can be vaccinated is not an expression of vaccine equity. Rather, it appears as an attempt to benefit those who the donor wishes to fulfill a certain purpose.”
Ironically, the incoherent leftist quest for vaccine evangelism has collided with the incoherent leftist quest for “vaccine equity”; as if any of the double masking, social distancing, zoom meeting drivel made any sense in the first place. In a quest to delay and derail the denominational split, a splinter of the far left contingent has proposed that the General Conference should be delayed until 2024, to ensure the complete safety of the meeting and its attendees. COVID Forever!
If your grandparents still attend a leftist United Methodist Church, please inform them that the church rainbow mural isn’t a celebration of the Noahic Covenant, the butch lesbian or tranny at the front of the congregation isn’t a man or a pastor, and the Gospel that is preached isn’t good news or anything close to the Gospel of Jesus. Find a Bible-believing church, leave, and don’t turn back; lest you turn into a pillar of salt.
Editor’s Note. This article was written by Paul Brown for Protestia
Not at all surprised. I work in an UMC church and the minister has stopped just teeny tiny bit short of saying “Jesus wants you to get injected” for the love and peace of your neighbor. I am the only person who doesn’t wear a mask in this church.
Get out! Why you staying in an apostate church?
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