Tim Keller Says Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBTQ Catholic Stephen Colbert is a Christian+ Lauds his ‘Witness’

Talk-show host Stephen Colbert is a believer who has shown the world a “brilliant example of how to be a Christian in the public square” and who has been a ‘witness’ for his faith in a “form the culture can handle” according to Tim Keller, who praised the Progressive Roman Catholic on Twitter.
This is a brilliant example of how to be a Christian in the public square. Notice the witness, but in a form the culture can handle. We should desire to have more Christians in these spaces and give them grace as they operate. https://t.co/0QaXuwzYSa
— Timothy Keller (@timkellernyc) February 4, 2022
In the featured interview, singer, model, and very outspoken pro-LGBTQ activist Dua Lipa praised Colbert for how open, authentic and honest he is about his faith. She wants to know if his faith and comedy ever overlap, on account of the way it shines forth in his life. Colbert for his part says he’s a Christian and Catholic, spits about a bunch of gobbledygook that includes vague references to death not winning out, sad movies, and some other such nonsense.
“I think ultimately, us all being mortal, the faith will win out at the end. But I certainly hope when I get to heaven, Jesus has a sense of humor.
But I will say this, someone was asking me earlier about what – this relates to faith, because my faith is involved with I’m a Christian and a Catholic. And that’s always connected to the idea of love and sacrifice being somehow related, and giving yourself to other people, and that death is not defeat.
If you can see where I’m getting at there. Someone asked me earlier, what movie did I really enjoy this year? And I said, Well, I really like Belfast, it was just kind of Brannagh’s story of his childhood. And one of the reasons I love it is that I’m Irish and Irish American, and it’s such an Irish movie.
And I think this is also a Catholic thing, because it’s, it’s funny, and it’s sad. And it’s funny about being sad. In the same way, that sadness is like a little bit of an emotional death, but not a defeat, if you can find a way to laugh about it, because that laughter keeps you from having fear of it, and fear is the thing that keeps you from turning to evil devices to save you from the sadness.
As Robert Hayden said, ‘We must not be frightened or cajoled into accepting evil as our deliverance from evil. We must keep struggling to maintain our humanity, though monsters of abstraction threaten and police us”.
So if there’s some relationship between my faith and my comedy, it’s that no matter what happens, you are never defeated. You must understand and see this in the light of eternity and find some way to love and laugh with each other.”
That’s what Keller is loving?
Is Keller so theologically bankrupt that he’s pointing to a liberal Roman Catholic, one whom the world loves because he has the exact same perspective they do on every sort of unbiblical sexual ethic, as someone whose example and whose nuance and whimsy is to be lauded and followed?
Should we be giving this ‘Christian’ the “grace to operate” when he is unendingly skewering anyone and everyone who speaks out against gay marriage? Or like two years ago, when Colbert told New York Times Magazine:
“I support a woman’s legal right to exert all her rights. One of her rights, presently, is to have an abortion. I am not in favor of the judges who have been appointed who might likely overturn that. I respect the women I know and their opinion on the subject. I believe that abortion is a woman’s choice. I also know and love many people who feel differently.”
Is justification by grace alone, through faith alone no longer worth anything anymore? We’re supposed to accept a Roman Catholic as a brother whose own corrupt institution would excommunicate him from the faith if they had any sort of integrity or consistency and weren’t some toothless, festering bloated carcass of works-righteousness whose toleration of ‘mortal’ sins knows no bounds?
No thank you, Keller. We’ll not be looking to Colbert as our shining example of God’s sonship in the public square anytime soon.
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Colbert said Drumpf ‘s “c*ck holster” is Putin. You can’t get much more big evangelical than that in 2022. It’s their whole worldview in a nutshell.
You beat me to the punch! Was just about to quote that. I’m sure Keller approves because mean Tweets bad.
Yeah, what a great witness. Pro-child killing, pro-perversions of every kind, no mention of the cross or the need for Jesus as a Savior, etc. Colber and Keller disgust me.
Keller uses a big word like “contextualization” because it makes him seem smart and to scam the ignorant NPC yokels who follow him. If you contextualize Colbert’s baby-murder support? Well that’s racism and domestic terrorism lol. Love your neighbor by shutting up and submitting to this satanic regime
Frankly Keller is a greater disappointment than Colbert could ever be. Keller should know better. Unfortunately, I left my church recently due to the fact that our lead pastor and numerous junior pastors were quoting Keller over and over again. With all the great literature written by great Christians and of course all the truth that is found in the Holy Bible these pastors are quoting Keller. There is no excuse for pastors not knowing the man Keller has become. Keller is not deserving of being quoted in a house of worship or in any other Christian gathering.
So, I thought I had found a new church. My family and I have attended this church over the past month. This past Sunday an elder gave the sermon and was doing a fine job until … that’s correct … he quoted from Keller. I know that no church is perfect but this Keller nonsense needs to stop immediately.
Frankly Keller is a greater disappointment than Colbert could ever be. Keller should know better. Unfortunately, I left my church recently due to the fact that our lead pastor and numerous junior pastors were quoting Keller over and over again. With all the great literature written by great Christians and of course all the truth that is found in the Holy Bible these pastors are quoting Keller. There is no excuse for pastors not knowing the man Keller has become. Keller is not deserving of being quoted in a house of worship or in any other Christian gathering.
So, I thought I had found a new church. My family and I have attended this church over the past month. This past Sunday an elder gave the sermon and was doing a fine job until … that’s correct … he quoted from Keller. I know that no church is perfect but this Keller nonsense needs to stop immediately.
The Book of Keller is the only scripture taught in seminary
A brief history of Christianity:
100AD: Salvation is by grace, through faith, evidenced by works. (Orthodox Christianity)
1400AD: “As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” (Roman Catholicism)
1500AD: “Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone!” (Martin Luther)
1550AD: “Silly Germans, we said it was by works! (Oh, and don’t read the bible)” (Roman Catholicism, the Council of Trent)
2022AD: “Uh, what are y’all doing exactly?” (Orthodox Christianity)
“Colbert for his part says he’s a Christian and Catholic”
Gee from what I believe being a Catholic means that homosexuality and abortion are sins not something to be supported and applauded–which makes Stephen Colbert nothing but a hypocrite. In fact he is actually a “sell out” as he supports sin to protect his celebrity. Just like Biden and Pelosi, Colbert shouldn’t be allowed to receive Communion