Focus on the Family Cites $$$ in Enforcing Biden Vaccine Mandate

(Evangelical Dark Web) With days remaining and the Biden vaccine mandate up in the air, Focus on the Family announced that it would push forward enforcing the Biden vaccine mandate on its employees. The mandate is designed to weaponize OSHA in enforcing vaccine mandates on companies with 100 employees or more and government contractors. While sources have informed Evangelical Dark Web that government contractors have halted or softened their position on the Biden mandate, despite the fact that it is being written into contract renewals, supposedly Christian organizations are rushing at last minute to be in compliance with the regime.

In early January, Jim Daly, the head of Focus on the Family put out a memo declaring that employees had to be vaccinated or be forced to wear a mask and submit to routine testing.

Jim Daly wrote in a statement:

“Therefore, at the recommendation of our general counsel, we need to start implementing the ETS order while praying the Supreme Court acts. Refusing to do so could cost Focus multiple millions of dollars in fines.”

Jim Daly betrays a financial motivation for enforcing evil on his staff. Whereas very pro-COVID vaccine organizations like Daily Wire and government simping ministries, like SBTS, have launched their own fight against the Biden Regency, Focus on the Family believes its fiduciary duty leads it to compliance.

The flaw in this logic is that donors have caught wind of this memo and are greatly disturbed, as are employees who are whistleblowing to the Epoch Times. Daly goes on to write:

“Failing to comply would threaten our ability to continue helping and serving millions of families. At the same time, we don’t believe our employees—or anyone else—should be forced to violate their deeply held convictions in this matter. It is our hope and prayer the Supreme Court will soon strike down this mandate as unconstitutional. After two years of unprecedented pain and loss, it is time for our nation’s policies to heal and unite and not hurt and divide our fellow Americans.”

In a completely beta move…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web

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  3. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today in a 6-3 decision that the Biden vaccine mandate for private business’ with 100 or more employees is unconstitutional. The fact that Jim Daly and Focus on the Family would even entertain the idea of electing to go with Biden’s unconstitutional mandate is quite revealing of both the individual and organizational . . . . . unfortunately. Jim Daly must submit his resignation immediately in order for FoF to gain even a minute measure of respect back from the Christian community, particularly the US Christian community.

      1. Nobody here cares what a godless, rump-riding dumbass like you thinks, Johnny.
        BTW, the ICUs are filling up with double and triple vaxxed individuals. Even my own BIL who was forced by his job to get vaxxed is home right now with the Wuhan Flu.
        The vax is proving to be worthless and will ultimately be shown to kill and injure more people than the flu itself.

  4. Jim Daley and Franklin Graham, might the true Christians remind you the Word of God.
    “the love of money is the root of all evil” and ” a man cannot serve two masters, for he will love the one and despise the other.” We see where your hearts lie; your love of $$$. Sad, how you are misleading your followers for fear of losing your fortunes.

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