Paula White Partners with Demonic ‘Moonies Cult’, Praises Founder and Prays for ‘Unification’

New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) queen Paula White demonstrated a further lack of biblical discernment and an increasing glut of demonic hand-holding when she got up on stage and gave a keynote address at the Cheongshim Peace World Center in partnership with PeacelinkTV, participating in an interfaith prayer ceremony alongside Budhists, Shintoists, Confucianists, and others.

The conference was founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who is the widow of the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation and the World Unification Church. She is a billionaire and regarded by many as the “Messiah” and the “True Parent to all mankind” whose goal is to unite all faiths in world peace and harmony.

Ie, they’re Moonies.

She and her husband founded the Moonies cult and the rally is a means to further spread the moonies’ message of anti-biblical, christ-hating syncretic ecumenism.

Paula White however has no issue with attending such an event or linking up with other false religious in prayer and joint supplication for this wicked religious figure.

Thank you. What a great joy and honor it is to be here today, giving honor to the distinguished faith leaders and to all those that are serving in capacity of religion and faith and making a tremendous difference. I am honored to participate in this historic interfaith prayer rally for the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.

I want to take a moment and honor as well as encourage Mother Moon for her great work as a spiritual leader who loves the Lord and seeks to carry out and to comfort the heart of God in all the areas of conflict in the world.

She is truly a jewel from God. I thank you for not quitting or giving up Mother Moon, for the persecution and suffering has been intense. Because of your courage, tenacity and bold spirit that is cloaked in love for God and humanity, we are seeing revolutionary opportunity around the world for peace and unity as we are reminded in Matthew chapter 5 verse 9 ‘blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the sons of God.’

…Today as we bombard heaven, I know in all of my heart we will see God’s intention of restoration

Is that any way to be talking about a cult leader? One who makes Walter Martin’s Kingdom of the Cults due to it being dangerous, damnable, and directly antithetical to the gospel of Christ? A movement of nearly 2 million people that openly denies that Jesus is God and was born of a virgin, and yet wants to reunify Christians with other world religions?

For White who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits, the fact that she cannot discern the difference between the orthodoxy of moonies and biblical Christianity should not surprise us at all.

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20 thoughts on “Paula White Partners with Demonic ‘Moonies Cult’, Praises Founder and Prays for ‘Unification’

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  1. Very typical these days, on both “sides” – people watering down and compromising the scripture in order to achieve political ends, believing that good will result. Leaning on their own understanding. Their own idea of righteousness that is as filthy rags. Taking the broad way that seems right, but the end thereof leads to destruction. Using “religion” as a political tool, and Jesus as a political punching bag.

    In short, arrogantly and stupidly believing themselves to be smarter than God Almighty.

    That political goal, in this case, is to appease and calm China’s North Korean puppets. For the past 60+ years, most of NK’s belligerence has been rooted in their desire to reunify Korea, of course under communist rule, which is in reality nothing but China’s desire to annex and plunder South Korea. But the “west” wrongly believes as long as they can get ahead of the reunification agenda, they can influence said reunification to a free and democratic state, while also keeping the NK hotheads calm (apparently just pretending China has no influence over NK at all, in typical Cinderella, pixie dust and lollipops fairy-tale fashion). Well, there are only thousands of possible ways such a strategy could go wrong. The most obvious of which is that China is not going to want a western-style democracy on it’s border. China’s influence would expand to SK, putting them within a stone’s throw of Japan, which would be begging for conflict. It could easily go from bad to worse.

    It’s stupid to compromise God’s Word. It’s extremely stupid to believe oneself to be smarter than Him. Nothing good comes from such pride.

    1. This is the same reason why you don’t endorse a party that has officially embraced, celebrated, and endorsed abominable sin. Which is, at this point, both parties.

      1. Who is the “you”? Did you mean to write “a born again person”? As far as voting for a leader of our nation is concerned; those who are born again must pick the candidate that is closest to upholding what we believe. Also, as far as sin is concerned, there are many sins listed along side each other ( in scripture) that will send one to hell. Gossipers and slanderers are two. If we didnt vote for the candidate that was a gossip or slanderer; we wouldnt have anyone to vote for either! Christians that dont vote are misguided and do our nation no good whatsoever because they have taken themselves ‘out of’ being any influence at all! Unfortunately, we must pick between two worldly pagans; the lesser of two evils so to speak . It is what it is. God put rulers into place that were pagans and he did it for his own glory. Are you going to ‘school’ our Lord?

        1. Gossip and slander are not officially endorsed, celebrated, and supported by the republican party.

          There’s a big difference between voting for someone who has sinned, and voting for a platform that officially embraces, celebrates, endorses, and promotes abominable sin. When you vote for such a platform, you are endorsing what the platform endorses.

          Up until recently, the republican party has never officially endorsed any sin. It’s never happened before, Teresa. But you’re welcome to correct me if you think I’m wrong about that.

          I will not be a hypocrite. The same reason I’ve not voted democrat, is now the same reason I will also not vote republican. As far as I’m concerned, we are way past the point of political remedies. Sorry if that offends you, but we all will answer to our Maker one day. And I will not vote for it. Period.

        2. And no, I’m not “schooling” our Lord.

          To use your example, I do not believe He would want us to vote for paganism, or to lend any support for paganism, or to promote paganism, or to vote for a party that officially endorses paganism as a part of their platform (implicitly or explicitly), in any way whatsoever. Whether or not He puts a pagan in power is His business. He has the authority to do that. We do not.

        3. Our Savior is not politics. Our savior is not political party. Our Savior is not our vote.

          We’re not in the mess we’re in for lack of voting. We’re in the mess we’re in because the people of this nation, in large majority, including those in leadership positions, have turned their back on God and have deviated from His Word.

          1. I could make a good argument, in fact, that we’re in the mess we’re in partly because we have participated in the lesser-of-two-worse-evils-than-before cycle every two years, that keeps inching in the same godless direction regardless of which “side” wins. Our participation has lent legitimacy where it shouldn’t. Our participation is seen as implicit approval.

  2. Paula White praising the antichrist Moon is pretty ungodly outrageous, even for her. Pretty sure secretely ‘dating’ Benny Hinn years ago permently fried something inside her pretty little head.

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  7. The moonies split, “mother moon” kept the bulk of the cult, and her two oldest sons started “Sanctuary church”, “Rod of Iron Ministries”, and “Kahr Firearms Group”. “Jason” Moon uses pro-2A social media to pretend to be an evangelical pastor to promote his “ministry” and his conservative political rallies. The gun company is very active in promoting the “church” and “ministry” with media pushes. Its very misleading if your not paying attention to the details. “mother moon” on the other hand, is the opposite of her sons in terms of politics and her multi-culturalism. That’s why I was surprised Paula would speak at a “liberal” rally, being Trump’s religious advisor.

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