BIZARRE: Dallas Theological Seminary Celebrates A Demoniac Cult Leader

(WokePreacherTV) Dr. Frank Glover MD, a famed medical expert and Christian minister who serves on the board of Dallas Theological Seminary, shares an inexplicably whitewashed biography of Kimpa Vita, a Kongolese woman who claimed to be possessed by the early church father Saint Anthony, during a September 2021 chapel message titled “God’s Black Children.”
Editor’s Note. This post was written by WokePreacherTV and published in full on YouTube.
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Nah, I’m not about to start worshiping “blackness” anymore than I’m about to worship “whiteness,” “yellowness,” or any other skin color.
It’s a very safe assumption to state that the vast majority of black Bible-believing Christians are not in the USA (by far). And I suspect many of them are looking on shaking their head thinking what the sam hill is wrong with those Americans, so obsessed with skin color they would revere a demonic cultist just because of the color of her skin.
Your “blackness” is not God. Neither is my “whiteness.” Neither is any other color of skin. Don’t like it, too bad. Deal with it.