Children’s Spanking Paddle Decorated With Bible Verse Makes ‘Amazon’s Choice’ List

(Church Leaders) Amazon’s algorithm has placed a spanking paddle decorated with Proverbs 29:15 on its “Amazon’s Choice” list, prioritizing it in product searches and placing it on recommendation lists.
According to Amazon, “Amazon’s Choice highlights highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately.” Amazon is known for curating products and personalizing product recommendations across a vast array of categories, apparently including “discipline” paddles.
Across the head of the paddle are the words “The Board of Education.” Beneath this moniker is a reference to Proverbs 29:15, which says, “A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother.”
Selling for $35.95 by The Montgomery Line, the spanking paddle’s product description says that the paddle is designed to “administer loving child discipline for children ages 2-10=.” The description also boasts that the spanking paddle is conveniently sized, contains no holes that could weaken or cause it to split, can easily be hung, and includes laminated suggested spanking guidelines.
In the “customer questions….
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Editor’s Note #1. This article was written by Dale Chamberlain and posted at Church Leaders
Editor’s Note #2 Posted because this was mildly interesting, and can’t imagine the type of person who would pay 36$ +shipping for this thing.
Update#1. Looks like the Amazon’s Choice designation is gone, but it has been immortalized forever here

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I approve of this device. Maybe if commentator ‘Johnny’s’ mother had used this on him, he wouldn’t have grown up to be a godless, ignorant sodomite.
Ok anti-Semite
Pretty sure you meant ‘OK, anti-sodomite.’
You’re welcome, dumbass 🙂