John Piper’s Embarrassing Vax Shaming

John Piper is apparently unsure that his decision to participate in the state sacrament of COVID-19 vaccination was correct, and he needs the rest of us to follow along. He’s like the girl at the karaoke bar who desperately wants to sing, but only if her friends will join her onstage.

In a rambling, virtually incoherent attempt to explain why believers should get “vaccinated”* out of an expression of “radical” Christian freedom, never-Trumper softy John Piper has attempted to encourage vaccine-resisting believers like myself to take the jab even though it means opposing “people they respect, and in step with people they don’t admire.”

That’s right – Piper thinks that Christians who haven’t taken the jab are likely too simple-minded to go against their favorite politicians and personalities. Many of us are apparently chomping at the bit to get jabbed, but we’re politically obligated to stay on our side of the fence. We are too stupid and tribal to know what’s best for us.

Piper’s article sounds suspiciously like he’s trying to convince himself that it was cool to break ranks and submit to Democrats’ favorite new religious sacrament.

*Note: I put “vaccinated” in scare quotes because the multi-billion dollar product being pushed on us long ago failed the epidemiological standard of a true vaccine. See the Twitter video below.

Piper asks those of us who reject his lemming characterization of us to,

…go tearfully and cheerfully on your way. Tearfully, because over 4.5 million people have died from COVID-19 worldwide (including over 700,000 Americans). And cheerfully, because Christ makes it miraculously possible to love people by being “sorrowful yet always rejoicing” (2 Corinthians 6:10).

Quoting the laughably false statistic that over 700,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 (in truth, they have merely died within 30 days of a positive or presumed positive PCR test and well over 90% suffered from multiple comorbidities), Piper follows by taking a passage referring to the sorrow of persecution and making it about loving people who disagree with our vaccination views (I guess).

He then lays out his case for the effectiveness of vaccines by appealing to the mainstream media’s clearly phony COVID goalposts, sloppily mixing “infection” stats with “hospitalizations,” “deaths” with “fully vaccinated.”*

*Note: Again, I use scare quotes for terms that have misleading and downright fraudulent definitions. For instance, a COVID “hospitalization” is simply a person with a positive (or presumed positive) test within 30 days of being in the hospital for ANY reason. “Fully vaccinated” means a person who is known to be 14 days past the second dose of the COVID vaccine – anyone dying in the hospital prior to the end of this window is considered an unvaccinated death.

Setting aside for the moment the very real concerns about the safety of these super-expensive, brand new drugs, they are far from effective. Watch this incredible montage of the decline in reported efficacy since the introduction of the “vaccine”:

One would think that a Christian pastor who has seen individual liberty and the constitutionally recognized freedom of worship violated en masse by the same people producing these statistics would be rightly hesitant to unquestionably believe them, but Piper quotes them as gospel truth.

In his explanation of the apostolic call to Christian freedom, Piper veers dangerously close to a proper understanding of jurisdictional separation, stating:

Christians are owned by no man — no society, no company, no clan, no family, no school, no military, no government, no political interest group. God alone owns us. And God alone rules us. We are not ruled by any man. We are free from all human ownership and rule.

Unfortunately, he follows this with a meandering attempt to trace the biblical teaching on Christian liberty (“freedom from man”) back to his call to rely on fraudulent government data (with a healthy dose of fear) to justify submission to man. How does he justify this clear contradiction? Because he believes that not getting vaccinated is using freedom as a cover-up for evil – our so-called “radical freedom” is making us “cocky,” “brash,” and “boastful” (yes, all real quotes from Piper) instead of contrite and humble. We are guilty of the “greatest evil” – the “pride of self-exaltation.” I wish I was making this up, but unfortunately, this is the stunted and impotent logic that comes from men who apparently don’t know what they would do if a home invader was attacking their wife and children in front of them.

To summarize Piper’s thesis:

Christian, you are free. Now use that freedom to make the same decision government officials are forcing others to make. Sound tortured and nonsensical? That’s because it is.

Note to John Piper: Your justification for the “vaccine” itself is bafflingly ignorant. Vaccines for respiratory viruses (to the extent they are actually effective) do nothing to stop the transmission of the virus any more than the flu shot stops the spread of the influenza virus. So at best, getting a COVID vaccine is about keeping yourself healthy for your loved ones. At worst, the vaccine is taken out of selfish fear of death (refer to the morons who have had their vaccine cards tattooed on their skin like crazed cultists). In no sense can a personal medical intervention be described as an act of neighborly love. Whether or not it is prudent, it is merely an act of self-preservation.

To characterize our vaccine resistance as an unwillingness to defy our political or ideological pied pipers (no pun intended) is insulting, and your cited “data” to support your decision to take the brand new, experimental therapy shot has been clearly disproven for months now. Christian freedom compels us to be suspicious of those who very recently threatened our liberty to worship the Lord. They threaten us still. Christian freedom compels us to keep the civil magistrate in their place and make our own decisions about how to best handle the novel coronavirus for ourselves and our families. Christian love compels us to fight for the basic God-given liberty of our neighbors, and not push government propaganda on them in a misguided attempt to justify our own decisions.

John, your article clumsily tries to make a biblical case beyond Christian freedom – as if you are unsure of what you’ve chosen for yourself and need the rest of us to agree. You are indeed free to get the shot and to characterize those of us who don’t agree with you as ignorant and tribal. We are free to characterize you as a weak-kneed ignoramus who is a useful idiot for the architects of the greatest scam ever perpetrated on the American people.

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24 thoughts on “John Piper’s Embarrassing Vax Shaming

    1. No, no, no. The Bible says nothing of the sort. Only leftist leaders who disguise themselves as Christians push this kind of stuff.

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    2. The Bible says no such thing, dumbass.
      Also, a godless deviant accusing anyone of not being a Christian is beyond pathetic.

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  1. I found the article by Piper both sad and laughable, if that counts as “tearfully and cheerfully”. Nothing more than trying to shame Christians into doing something they don’t want to do and then calling it “freedom”. Pathetic.

  2. What sort of “vaccine” is this when infections, hospitalizations, and deaths have increased with the rate of “vaccination” ??? What sort of “vaccine” is this when it has produced more “vaccine” related deaths and serous injuries than any vaccine in history, by far ??? What sort of “vaccine” is more deadly to young and healthy people than the virus it’s supposed to protect against???

    I’m neither ignorant nor stupid enough to even call it a “vaccine.” Nor am I lacking compassion or concern for others enough to participate in the mandate of such a deadly, dangerous, and ineffective drug, in any way whatsoever.

  3. It’s about loving your neighbor. Why do you want to kill people? Murder is wrong. You WILL be made to take the vaxx very soon. So will your kids and grandkids. We can make you do it the hard way, and we will. Why not instead be a good Christian and save the trouble and take your jab voluntarily? Do the right moral thing please 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

    1. Obviously, you are ignorant of the increasing number of people dying of Covid who are double vaccinated.
      You remain a godless, ignorant, dumbass.

    2. The rainbow flag and totalitarian giddiness (“You WILL be made to take the vax”) says it all. “Johnny” is no Christian.

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