Joel Osteen Joins T.D. Jakes for $1000.00 Conference

Joel Osteen is joining T.D. Jakes in headlining the 2022 International Leadership Summit (formerly called the International Pastors and Leadership Conference). This is not new, as Osteen frequently joins with other theologically amoral impastors Like Steven Furtick and Judah Smith to hobnob with the famed Trinity-denier, relegating Jakes’ belief that Jesus is merely a ‘manifestation of the Father’ as some irrelevant small detail that makes no difference and therefore maks partnership permissible.

They will be joined by Dr. Dharius Daniels whose biography reveals he is a pastor that is “on a mission to help people become their best selves while doing their best work. Speaker, coach, and certified emotional intelligence specialist, he concentrates on helping others self-optimize without self-destructing” and “nationally acclaimed trauma therapist Dr. Anita Phillips,” with more speakers to be later revealed.

Everything about the conference looks typical for your run-of-the-mill moralistic therapeutic deism leadership conference, except for the eye-watering price for premium tickets to the event.

For that price, the perks are pretty pitiful, with the extra $875 going towards a “special entrance into the sessions”, a seating service, exclusive seating, a small gift, and access to the premier business lounge, where you can stream the event on a TV, possibly meet the guests and speakers, and hope that one of the deigns to converse with you, presuming you can get past their copious amounts of bodyguards. (Which you can’t.)

But because TD Jakes is one of the speakers at the event A WELL AS ITS FOUNDER AND ORGANIZER, that he would jack up the price is hardly suprising. He routined wears outfits that cost thousands upon thousands of dollars and is known for his flashy ways. Besides, those $1990 Louis Vuitton bags aren’t going to buy themselves.

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