Charismatic Prophetess Claims That in Her Teens, She Ran Covert Op to Bust Drug Lords

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or she’s talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s revealing how in her teens she secretly participated in covert operations to bust drug dealers, all without her parents knowing.
Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 46 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve, she reveals the time she sent a whole bunch of people to jail, insisting in such a sensationalistic way that even Ergun Caner would be leery of her childhood claims, while at the same time wondering if she didn’t drop more than a few hits of LSD herself.
It’s not a covert operation anymore, but back in the day in the late 1960s they started a brand new squad for the vice squad in our city…but that was in the day when drugs were really first being released in America…
…Back in the day, most young people didn’t have enough money to do anything…and so the drug lords in the area that moved in, they actually manufactured their own drugs, which actually killed a lot of people, because they didn’t know how to do anything.
Kat goes on to describe the ways that they smuggled drugs in, and how after it was distributed into her school, it killed 10 percent of the student body – killing 60 out of 600 seniors in one year. The drug cartels going undercover in schools as regular students resulting in an epidemic of overdoses and deaths in school was not being reported by the media. [Editor’s note: This seems like a clear attempt to pre-explain things to avoid fact-checking.]
So we were just targeted for that type of thing, and so they [drug dealers] would go around to different cliques in the school, maybe they didn’t listen, maybe they got into trouble sometimes wherever they would actually watch the students back in the day.
…some [dealers] look like just businessmen visiting, or maybe somebody’s uncle supposedly was coming to visit somebody, but they would also have some plants in the school body that looked like teenagers. And so they would seek out the ones they thought would make good pushers, they would give them drugs for free and get them hooked.
Well, they didn’t have money. I mean it would cost a lot of money when you get hooked on these things out back in the day thing was like LSD and other stuff like that are really violent drugs.
And just so you know how bad it was. I have a body of 600 seniors – 60 died from drug overdose. Ten percent of our senior body died because of these pushers that kept coming on the property and getting them hooked.
Enter Kat Kerr- undercover agent.
So the vice squad and FBI back in that day came together with a plan which wouldn’t work today probably. They didn’t ask any parent’s permission. I didn’t sign any papers saying ‘yes’ but they [FBI] would highlight students who were the good students but maybe the loners, you know, stuck to themselves, made pretty good grades, but always listened to those in authority and respected authority.
They would take you aside into a room with just like a vice squad agent, and maybe a police woman, and they would offer you the chance to be a covert operation. Back in that day, I was all for justice. Let me tell you how much so many of the students died. And they said, ‘would you mind being like an inside spy for us? We’ll give you a code name, here’s a phone number, you call this number, if you know about a drug deal going down.’
Ker claims that she watched the drug pushers that infiltrated her school, and because she says she has a photographic memory, she could recall all their names, faces, details, everything, which she then reported to the FBI.
And then I would just go call the phone number and say, ‘this is so and so again’, my code name, I said ‘there’s going to be a push going down with the drug dealers coming in to leave all the drugs with the teenager.’ They gave him free drugs to push the drugs, thinking they wouldn’t get caught. I think I turned in seven of the biggest pushers – one was the biggest pusher in the city. Yes, he went to prison. And so I called and told them when every time when it was going to go down. I could even be nearby and see him in jail.
My parents never found out until like 40 years later when I told them what I had done. My dad was not shocked…I could just be standing by a tree or something they don’t know. And they had a little group going over there I was not a threat to anybody. I didn’t look like a cop. But you know, we haven’t had a lot of covert people out there right now. And so I did, I just caught him all the information, it was enough to bust down. They did go to court, I didn’t have to be there. They had all the evidence because I gave that to them beforehand. They were caught red handed.”
I got $97450 up to now this year working on the online and I’m a full cxd time student. I’AM profited. It’s really simple to know and I’m in order that cheerful that I got some answers regarding it.
Here what I do…. WorkJoin1
I am beginning to think she and Kyle Howard are the same person.