Bizzare! Judge Orders that Viral Canadian Pastor Must Say _________ Every time He Mentions COVID+Vaccines, Or Go to Jail

In a bizarre, unprecedented, and unheard-of decision, a judge ordered that for the next 18 months, Artur Pawlowski, the pastor made famous after he chased the police out of his church shouting “I do not cooperate with Gestapo. I do not talk to the Nazis. You came in your uniforms like thugs…You are Nazi Gestapo Communist Fascists,” must self-denounce himself every time he speaks on issues of COVID, vaccinations or pandemics and must include a reference to the fact the majority of scientific opinion contradicts him and disagrees with, or else he will be in breach of his probation and will be arrested and imprisoned.
The Canadian pastor has garnered the ire and eyes of Alberta Health Services on account of being a vocal defender of free speech while denouncing the government’s COVID policies and lockdown restrictions as fascistic and conspiratorial. This was particularly true when the province was jailing other pastors for the great sin of refusing to shut down their church services- something Pawlowski himself has been arrested and imprisoned for.
Judge Adam Germain ruled that every time he speaks out against COVID, masks and vaccines, like a YouTube disclaimer or a Twitter alert he must preface or conclude his comments by condemning his own worst and include government-sanctioned talking points, lest he is thrown in jail again.
The judge suggested wording to bookend his speeches to include something along the lines of “I am aware that the views I am expressing to you may not be held by medical experts” and “(this is just my opinion) as the majority of medical experts favor social distancing and vaccine programs.”
During the trial, the judge also berated him for appearing on Fox News, fined him $30,000, ordered him not to leave the province for 18 months, castigated him for going on a pro-freedom speaking tour across the United States, and ultimately declared that Pawloski and his brother “have contributed to this ominous health situation encouraged others to doubt the legitimacy of the pandemic.”
Basically What the judge is saying is that I cannot be a pastor anymore for 18 months. I have to give up my convictions, I have to give up my faith, and I cannot participate in anything that I believe in, and every time I open my mouth to the public I have to lie to the public, stating that vaccinations are saving lives, that masks works, that doctors and scientists are all for the restrictions. Pretty much I have to lie in public. I have to become a liar every time I open my mouth in order to appease the corrupted judges of the corrupted court system…Welcome to Chinada 2021.
And just like that, with this ruling the judge has proved Pawlowski correct. Rule of “science” is a predominate and distinct characteristic of both nazism and communism.
This is where a fearless, freedom-loving populace descends on the courthouse with torches and pitchforks.
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