Alabama Pastrixes Dress up As ‘Handmaids’ to Protest Texas Anti-abortion Law

Pastrixes (because there’s no such thing as a woman pastor) Stephanie Arnold and Katie Gilbert of the First United Methodist Chruch in Birmingham, Alabama created and released a TikTok video showing themselves dressed up as handmaids from the ‘Handmaids Tale’ in order to protest Texas heartbeat bill that bans most abortions after 6 weeks.
With the overlay reading “Texas is leading us to become more and more like Gilead every day. Unjust, patriarchal laws strip women of their agency and rights. As people of faith we believe in reproductive justice. We won’t take this anymore.’ the video short featuring them throwing off their repressive robes and then urging viewers to sign a petition form Planned Parenthood which is linked in their bio.
@firstchurchbirmingham Women are people too. #churchtok #progressivechristian #smashthepatriarchy #umcsocialprinciples #foryou #fyp #texas ♬ Promenade of Stolen Children – Adam Taylor
Speaking to CBS42, Arnold, who is the senior pastrix, told them in an interview:
“I would hope nobody would ever find themselves in need of an abortion. But that is not the world we live in. And I will listen to the pain and the struggle and the hopes of those women. And I will prioritize that.”
Given that the United Methodist Church is a thoroughly apostate denomination that is God’s judgment upon their lake-of-fire bound congregants (Editor’s note: funny, we always get flak when we say that) this should surprise no one.
God has given them over, may he save them from their destruction.
No surprise that those Molech-worshiping ghouls are Methodists.
“As people of faith we believe in reproductive justice.”
Reproductive justice is when you don’t kill children who have already been reproduced.
“@firstchurchbirmingham Women are people too. ”
On earth, children are people, too — regardless of location.
“I would hope nobody would ever find themselves in need of an abortion.”
1. 99%+ of them don’t “need” to pay someone to crush and dismember their children. They want to.
2. If abortion doesn’t kill children, then why would you hope no one needs one?
“And I will listen to the pain and the struggle and the hopes of those women.”
Try caring about the pain of the children as they struggle not to have their skulls crushed and limbs ripped off.
“And I will listen to the pain and the struggle and the hopes of those women. And I will PRIORITIZE that.” (emphasis added)
They will not prioritize God, His holiness, or His Word, but they will prioritize fictional characters and settings that have nothing to do with real life and womens’ “right” to murder their children. This is just pure evil.
Yes, surely Christ would desire that woman (and ‘special’ men) have longer than 6 weeks to slaughter their unborn sons and daughters.
Demoniacs masquerading as pastors.
Ladies, if the “world you live in” is similar to the Handmaids Tale, then whoever’s holding you captive, enslaving and raping you needs to be arrested, tried, and given the death penalty. If our society truly were patriarchal, that’s what would happen. There wouldn’t be any of this giving the rapists, slavers, and traffickers a slap on the wrist, while killing the innocent unborn child instead.
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.