SBC Seminary ‘Honored’ to Have Serial Plagiarist Speak at Chapel

YouTube Video Capture @ Redemption Church

“How can a seminary, of any denomination, allow a plagiarist to speak in chapel to students threatened with expulsion if they plagiarize? Blows my mind!” @PastorLunsford

Mere weeks after Southern Baptist Theological Seminary president Al Mohler took to the Briefing and gave Ed Litton a paddlin’, explaining that plagiarism was “theft, that “we at Southern seminary take plagiarism of first-rank priority.” and that Litton was “precisely not what we are trying to teach or to hold up as an example here, ” another SBC seminary President apparently doesn’t feel the same way, with Litton being invited by Adam Greenway to speak at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas about ‘serious issues’- none which are his plagiarism.

Of course, there are a few people who know what’s up.

Though many have accused us of treating this as a mere exercise in equine beating, this is not the case. This will continue to adversely affect his presidency and bring reproach on the name of Christ until he comes clean and does more than denying all blame and culpability, with having real-world ramifications on what he even preaches at SWBTS.

Nathaniel Jolly notes that some of the things he can’t talk about are “Integrity, sermon writing, sermon delivery, pastoral faithfulness, study habits, living in the Word you preach, being filled with your own sermon, work ethic, righteous living, humility, and repentance.”

Adam Greenway is not doing his students by having him speak, but rather is lifting Litton up as one big middle finger to them, a living emblem of what it means to get a pass and have your sins covered up by virtue of being in a position of power.

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