Major Denomination Make it Mandatory for Clergy to be Vaccinated, Dissidents to be Fired

Several dioceses within the Episcopal Church of the United States have begun mandating that all its clergy receive the vaccination for the novel coronavirus, with threats of terminations for noncompliance for pastors and pastrixes who can’t produce a medical exemption.
You’ll recall we wrote a post two months ago titled With a Median Congregational Age of 69, The Episcopal Church is Literally Dying explaining that the average churchgoer is a white senior citizen, and with few younger congregants, their fate is all but sealed.
The Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church is seemingly all-in on the idea, previously writing βVaccines can help us save lives and make life livable. We can get ours for ourselves, but if not for ourselves, for our children who do not have a vaccine yet.β
Bishop Thomas Brown of Maine has put this into action, explaining why he insisted on it for his priests in a press release :
βThe Churchβs role in public discourse is to remind us of what it means to do as Jesus teaches: to love our neighbors as much as ourselves. In this case, it means prioritizing the common good and our communityβs health…This directive (mandatory clerical vaccines) is grounded in our baptismal covenant in which we promise to seek and serve Christ in all persons, love our neighbor, and respect the dignity of every human being. This is a way for us to put those baptismal promises into real-life action.β
Bishop Lawrence Provenzano of the long Island Diocese, whose churches encompass Brooklyn and New Jersey, has followed suit, likewise explaining “We have an obligation as the Church to do everything in our power to ensure the safety and well-being of the people we are called to serve. Getting vaccinated is a way to express our love of God and our love of neighbor in the midst of this crisis.β
These leaders have until September 15 to be vaccinated, and more dioceses are expected to follow suit.
The Episcopal Church is the 14th biggest denomination in the United States, claiming nearly 1.8 million active members but only 547k attend church on a weekly basis. They are also one of the most progressive, being fully inclusive of LGBTQ rights and abortion, and down the line are basically all two-fold sons of hell.
Complicit in forcing people to accept, support, and affirm abominable sin, the indoctrination of children into satanic ideologies, mutilation of children, males and females in the same restroom at the same time. Forcibly injecting people with experimental drugs. Etc.,etc. Based on lies. Founded on immorality. Based on their own idea of what’s best for the supposed “common good” – not God’s.
These reprobates know nothing of love, respect, or dignity. They are not following Jesus’ teachings. They are not serving Him. And that’s been the case with the apostate Episcopal church for a very long time.
I agree. I worked in an Episcopal Church for almost 3 years and you would mostly hear about , social justice, climate change, using Palm Sunday as “Jesus entered Jerusalem on a protest march) – I wish I was joking, and having the children hold up protest signs instead of palm branches. Children were Biblically illiterate, you never saw a Bible opened in church, and the rector’s own young children rarely attended. The Gospel was rarely spoken of instead of them focusing on an almost pharisee legalism on their services. One of the things that finished it for me was when the Rector announced that came home to his wife in tears because we had taken out one of Iran’s top terrorist demons. She was upset that man was dead!
Seeing this apostate non-Gospel following church die away would honestly not be a bad thing.
Agree 100%. We must keep in mind that insanity has ensued because our nation earned its wages . God is divinely judging. We will see more of this and far worse before Christ comes for his elect. The great falling away is happening. The fakes are literally being exposed whereas pre covid they may have been hidden to the undiscerning. Its easy to get sucked in to the atrocities going down everywhere all around us. I know; I have to refocus alot!
Ive known for years that we are the last generation. It NEVER really hit home what exactly that looked like until a yr ago.
Focus on our King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ ! Stay in the word and stay busy spreading the gospel , defending the faith, and loving your neighbor. Romans 1:18-32
Come Lord Jesus come!
I can hardly believe this, the Episcopal Church? Good grief, who’s next – the Methodists? Unitarians? United Church of Christ? Oh, the humanity.
I disagree with this policy but havenβt we read on here of two Baptist churches (so far) in Atlanta who are requiring the vax for the *congregation* in order to attend services? Clergy or congregation, the world has gone nuts.
Will the last person when leaving the Episcopal church please turn out the lights (although the light was turned out long ago) and lock the door. Thank you!