Superhero Robin Retconned into Being Bisexual after 81 Years

Batman’s trusty sidekick Robin has come out as ‘bisexual’ in the latest Batman comic, ending 81 years of heteronormativity and joining other superheroes in his world in embracing same-sex narratives.
It seems like sexual deviancy is the norm for the franchise.
In 2015 Batman’s on/off-again love interest Catwoman was written into being bisexual. Batwoman was shown to be a lesbian in 2006. Characters like Bluebird, Barbara Kean and Tabitha Galavan have been written as bisexual, and several Batmanman villains like the Riddler, The Penguin, Poison Ivy, Joker, and Harley Quinn have also been in LGBTQ storylines and depicted as bisexual.
Basically, everyone is gay but Batman.
In Batman: Urban Legends #6, Tim Drake realizes he’s queer as a three dollar bill while fighting in battle alongside new friend Bernanrd Down, with the panel showing Robin’s thought:
“Ever have a lightbulb moment? Like something out in the ether has been taunting you, teasing you. Like you know you’re supposed to be on the same page as your brain but not everything made sense. People keep asking me what I want. But I couldn’t grasp it. Whatever it was. It always felt just out of reach. Until now. Until right now.”
After the battle, Robin finds time to be alone with Bernard and says “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about that night and I don’t know what it meant to me, but I’d like to find out.”
This prompts Bernard to sigh in relief and eagerly reply “I was hoping you would. Tim Drake… do you want to go on a date with me?”
Robin: “Yeah … yeah. I think I want that.”

One of the comic’s lead writers Meghan Fitzman, told Polygon “I wanted to pay tribute to the fact that sexuality is a journey. To be clear, his feelings for Stephanie have been/are 100 percent real, as are his feelings for Bernard. However, Tim is still figuring himself out. I don’t think he has the language for it all… yet.”
There is no baby in the bathwater of superhero/comic book entertainment, it can all be thrown out and Christians have no business wasting their time with such foolishness.
Progressives destroy everything they touch. They’re all in a race to the bottom, to see who can outdo the other as being the most “woke.”