First Time in 45 Years, House Democrats Pass Bill to Eliminate Hyde Amendment, Make Americans Fund Abortions

Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

(LifeNews) House Democrats passed the first bill ever to eliminate the Hyde Amendment and force Americans to fund the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

On a 219-208 vote, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats passed spending bills that, unless blocked by the Senate, would eliminate the Hyde Amendment and other longstanding pro-life policies that prevent taxpayer funding of abortion on demand. Today’s vote follows the passage on Wednesday of a spending bill that would force Americans to directly fund abortion overseas.

The Hyde Amendment prohibits taxpayer funding for most abortions in Medicaid and other federal programs. It is credited with saving about 2.4 million babies’ lives, and polls consistently show strong public support for it.

For decades, most Republican and Democrat lawmakers supported the amendment as a regular part of the budget. However, Democrat leaders recently abandoned the public on the issue and sided with the billion-dollar abortion industry instead.

The Democrat bill would eliminate or weaken four pro-life laws or policies, including:

  • Hyde Amendment: stops federal taxpayer funding of abortion on demand in the United States.
  • Dornan Amendment (D.C. Hyde): stops federal taxpayer funding of abortion on demand in Washington, D.C.
  • Hyde-Weldon Amendment: protects health care workers and institutions from government coercion to participate or be complicit in abortions.
  • Smith Amendment (FEHBP Hyde): stops funding for abortion on demand in Federal Employee Health Benefits.

Republican members offered..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steven Ertelt and published at Life News

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3 thoughts on “First Time in 45 Years, House Democrats Pass Bill to Eliminate Hyde Amendment, Make Americans Fund Abortions

  1. That’s democrats. Constantly crying “democracy,” while consistently going against the will of the public.

    The truth is, though, that they’ve been indirectly funding abortion for decades, in several ways. Planned Parenthood, Mexico City policy, more recently Obamacare subsidies and mandates. Etc.

    And republicans have done very little to reverse any of it (except for the Mexico City policy). They do nothing but backpedal, campaigning on it, pretending to take a stand, yet doing nothing. (the same way democrats will start trying to quote the Bible every election year, while the rest of the time scream “you can’t legislate morality” – setting aside the fact that that’s all they do – legislate their own warped un-biblical “morality” based solely on nothing but their own contrived beliefs and opinions, then try to force everyone else to comply)

    At least they finally admit they want to do away with the Hyde Amendment. All these clueless people who say “no, the government doesn’t fund abortion, that’s illegal” might finally wake up.

    As for me, not one single penny of mine will ever be used to fund the slaughter of the unborn. I don’t care what they do. Throw me in jail. March me into a gas chamber. I will not.

  2. Nothing makes a liberal feel more alive than facilitating the mass-slaughter of unborn children 🙂

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