Oklahoma Church Gives $1,000,000 in Reparations to Foster Healing

Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor Michael Todd, who is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money, including giving away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spending $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, and purchasing a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, has given away $600,000 to three people during his Sunday service, paying tribute to the last survivors of Tulsa Race Massacre (TRM), describing the gifts as “reparations” for the ills that befell them and the suffering they have endured.

TRM took place in 1921, when a white mob raided and ransacked a black neighborhood, killing dozens of black men and women, looting their businesses, and burning their homes.

Speaking to a suspiciously sparse crowd after suspending in-person services for nearly 15 months, Todd explained:

We serve a God of reparations. Reparation is not a political word. Reparation is not a word that your left-wing friends or your right-wing friends have coined. Let me give you the definition of reparations. ‘The action of repairing something that was devastated.’ Reparations means that somebody is going to take up the mantle and actually put into action the process of repairing something that was destroyed.


God is a God of reparations. And this is the revelation that God gave me: He said “Michael, change starts in the church,”…that if we’re actually going to see a move of God, of restoration, it’s not coming from government and legislation. The change starts in the church…If God is the God of reparations and restoration, and I’m one of God’s people, then I am responsible for being a part of restoring what has been torn down.

After giving several other organizations $400,000, he turned to the TRM witnesses. Bringing them up on stage, Michael gave the men and women, ages 107, 106 and 100, each $200,000, which is the median cost to purchase a house in the city, telling them:

I’m a young black man who took over a church from a white man who built it in North Tulsa. That couldn’t have happened if you all didn’t survive. Today, we can’t restore everything that has been stolen from you, but we can put a seed in the ground.

Transformations Church bills itself as a “dynamic, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, non-denominational inner-city ministry in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It embraces the spirit of its founder as it expresses a radical, diversified, progressive, 21st century technological church.”

You can watch the service here.

h/t to The Conservative Truth

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14 thoughts on “Oklahoma Church Gives $1,000,000 in Reparations to Foster Healing

    1. I don’t know this man – I might disagree with everything he does and stands for. But your post is so disrespectful, hateful, and just plain awful.

    2. I don’t know if your comment is correct because I don’t know michael todd.
      However, based upon what I have read, he certainly is anasshole.

  1. I called the FBI to report Protestia.com for racism and domestic terrorism. Don’t drop the soap maggot MAGAtards 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

    1. Hey Johnny, I called your mother and told her you’re using her computer again to troll Christian forums. She’s not happy.

  2. I am sure I don’t agree with this guy about anything. But if all he is giving away does not contain my tax dollar, I could care less. And that includes how high the dead were piled in 1921.

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