Jim Bakker Beaten Within An Inch of His Financial Life After Being Forced to Pay 156K Settlement

The hits keep coming for our beleaguered false prophet and snake-oil salesman Jim Bakker, who has been forced to pay restitution of over $156,000 in order to settle a lawsuit stemming from selling colloidal silver as a cure-all for the novel coronavirus in 2020.

Bakker hosts a doomsday show and peddles survival supplies in the name of Jesus. After scaring the daylights out of his octogenarian audience with charismatic end-times “prophets” like Jonathan Cahn or Mark Blitz, Bakker drags out merchandise, like 5-gallon buckets of survival slop emergency food and 5-gallon buckets which you can then use to vacate your bowels of such horrible tasting food. From head to heel, Jim Bakker has you covered when it comes to the Apocalypse. After all, God gave him a vision in prison to help you prepare.

When the coronavirus popped up in March of 2020, Bakker brought a guest on to ply her product—the same special elixir that he previously claimed can heal every single venereal disease.

Then New York’s Attorney General stepped him and told him to knock it off, followed by Missouri’s Attorney General tagging in and do likewise, filing suit against him and ultimately winding up here a year later.

Bakker, who already has had his credit card companies cut him off and is reduced to only taking checks to support his ever dwindling ministry, will have to give refunds to everyone who bought his paraded products, which was sold between $80 and $100 a pop.

Along with the settlement, Bakker and Morningside Church Productions will be prohibited from advertising the magical formula “to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or illness.”

It is unclear how much longer the 81 year old Bakker can hang on, but given the way things are going, we predict he will be done in six months. Mark it!

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2 thoughts on “Jim Bakker Beaten Within An Inch of His Financial Life After Being Forced to Pay 156K Settlement

    1. I think there is a very real possibility that Tammy Faye is in Heaven. Not so sure about Jim’s future address.

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