Largest Lutheran Denomination in Europe Declares Itself Pro-Trans +Attacks ‘Right-wing Christian Groups’

(Christian Today) The Church of Sweden has declared itself pro-trans while also attacking feminists and so-called “radical right-wing Christian groups”.
In an open letter, the Church, which is the largest Lutheran denomination in Europe, said it was writing to the trans community “from a church that is also trans”..
“A church is made up of people. People are different. We have confirmees, employees, churchwardens, elected representatives, nonprofits, and other parishioners who define themselves as trans people. The church also consists of trans people.”
In addition to criticizing conservative Christians, the letter also takes a swipe at “trans-excluding” feminists, while saying that it wants to fight “narrow gender norms”. The letter has been signed by around 1,000 Church members, priests and deacons, and is published on the website of Västerås diocese.
It also accuses the media of being biased towards people with conservative views of gender, which it says has given rise to a climate of “hatred”.
“This contributes to the normalization of trans hate,” they claim.
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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jennifer Lee and published at Christian Today
“A church is made up of people. People are different. We have confirmees, employees, churchwardens, elected representatives, nonprofits, and other parishioners who define themselves as trans people. The church also consists of trans people.”
it may be a church but it is not God’s church
Oh good, they’ve went from Lutheran to Luciferian. I’m sure that’ll work out great for them.
Gonna be a hot, hot eternity for them, sadly.
And Satan has taken down another one. Just sad. Very sad.
Yet another church abandons God for the world – sad.
You said church of satan right ????????