Southern Baptist Lobbying Group says Gender is Fluid in Bible

ERLC argues for nuance in teaching boys and girls how to behave.

(Capstone Report) Gender should be nuanced, and Christians should remember that even in the Bible gender is presented as “fluid and relational,” according to an essay published by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention.

According to the essay posted on the ERLC’s website“It’s important to affirm ways in which gender expression is fluid and relational—even in the Bible.”

Ponder that for a moment.

The point the author is getting at however seems far different than what that sentence implies. The author amplifies his thought by pointing out how different people like Jacob and Esau showed both were men, but one was hunter and the other prepared a stew.

Then to make the point clear, he writes…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report

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2 thoughts on “Southern Baptist Lobbying Group says Gender is Fluid in Bible

  1. Just when you thought the woke church could not possible say/do something more mind-numbingly unbiblical, there’s this…

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