SBC Denies Worldview Weekend Reporter Press Credentials for Annual Meeting

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Insane new policy attempts to restrict messengers who are also bloggers; Policy makes SBC Press Office into mind readers.
((Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention denied Rev. Thomas Littleton press credentials to cover the 2021 Annual Meeting in Nashville. Littleton covered the 2018 and 2019 Annual Meetings; however, the SBC decided that it would not allow Littleton to cover this year’s event. Littleton provides the details and background on his website.
According to the SBC credential policy, “Press accreditation will NOT be granted to anyone whose principal purpose in attending this event is, in the judgment of SBC Executive Committee Communications staff, for reasons other than gathering details, interviews, and/or photos for a news report or feature. The SBC Executive Committee Communications staff also reserves the right, at its discretion, to reject the application of anyone who, in their judgement, may be attending the event under false pretenses or with ulterior motives or malicious intent.”
It looks like the SBC Communications staff are mind readers and know motives and intent. How bureaucratic!
The rejection email is interesting. The SBC writes…
Hi Rev. Littleton,
“Thank you so much for your application. I appreciate you taking the…
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Editor’s note. This article was published at the Capstone Report.