Wayne Grudem, Mark Driscoll, Michael Brown Sign Joint Statement Affirming False Prophets

(Reformation Charlotte) In a recent statement by the charismatic sub-Christian sect of professing Christendom titled the Prophetic Standards Statement, well-known Evangelical theologian, Wayne Grudem joined a host of false prophets affirming that those who prophesy falsely are not actually false prophets.
If that sounds crazy, it’s because it is. And it’s because charismatics are, by nature, simple-minded and opposed to any kind of deep-thinking theological critique.
While the entire statement is a walking contradiction to the Scriptures, declaring that churches must “make room for spontaneous utterances as the Spirit wills,” most of the signers of the statement are blasphemers that should come as no shock: i.e. Kris Vallotton of Bethel Church, several New Apostolic Reformation “Apostles,” and the world’s most notable apologist for the Montanist heresy, Michael Brown.
On the other hand, that educated men like Wayne Grudem wouldn’t be able to see these contradictions inconceivable. They see the contradictions and basic fallacies opposed to their own doctrine and statement of faith in this statement, yet, they choose to ignore it.
After rejecting the idea that modern-day prophecy is on the “same level” as biblical prophecy–as though God’s revelation is somehow less authoritative today than it was in biblical times–the statement goes on to contradict God’s standard for prophets.
One of the most contradictory affirmations in this statement reads as follows:
Finally, while we believe in holding prophets accountable for their words, in accordance with the Scriptures, we do not believe that a sincere prophet who delivers an inaccurate message is therefore a false prophet. Instead, as Jesus explained, and as the Old Testament emphasized, false prophets are wolves in sheep’s clothing, in contrast to true believers who might speak inaccurately (see Matt. 7:15-20; Jer. 23:9-40; Ezek. 13:23). Thus a false prophet is someone who operates under a false spirit masquerading as the Holy…
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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.
One of Grudem’s greatest talents is chopping up the Bible to make a “3rd way” for novel theologies (just look at his work on complementarianism). A prophet speaks to the people for God, if they are in error, they are a false prophet. There’s no such thing as a true prophet who makes false prophecies.