LifeSite News Launches Petition To Cancel Pope’s ‘Morally Rotten’ Conference

LifeSite News has launched a petition against the Vatican for hosting a “Health” Conference on “Exploring the Mind, Body, and Soul,” explaining, “Everything about the conference is rotten — morally, scientifically, and culturally,” and amassing over 22,000 signatures calling for its cancellation.
Despite being populated by Roman Catholics and having an entire variant of their website designed as the “Catholic Edition,” that promotes and reports Catholic news, Lifesite has been notoriously critical of Pope Francis, deigning him to be dangerous and likely one Papal Bull shy of being an anti-pope. As for the problems with the conference, they explain:
Incredibly, the conference organizers have listed huge numbers of globalist and abortion-promoting speakers such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, vaccine developers, Mormon elders, pro-abortion Chelsea Clinton, population control advocate Jane Goodall, a New Age activist, a prominent UK Muslim scholar, and pro-abortion American actress Cindy Crawford, among others.
The logo for the conference is a circle of people linking hands, colored in the tones of the LGBT rainbow flag, and positioned next to the crossed keys and Papal tiara of the Pontiff. In the ten goals listed for the conference, the Pontifical Council for Culture makes no reference to God or the Catholic Church.
Given that LifeSite News focuses on anti-abortion work, they note that the conference is having the following speakers, among others.
- The CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna, the former of which produces abortion pills;
- The Director of the National Institute of Health (NIH) Francis Collins, who advocates using fetal tissue in research projects;
- Chelsea Clinton, a strong advocate for abortion;
LifeSite concludes their petition with a call to action, noting, “this conference contains such a high concentration of poison for the Faith and the faithful that it should be canceled, not only for the contents itself, but also for the grave scandal it will (and is already) cause” and asking signers to “contact the following Church authorities to politely, but firmly, voice your dismay and displeasure at the anti-God, anti-life, and anti-faith conference which the Vatican has scheduled for the beginning of May. Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi – Head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture. Email:; Phone: [+39] 06 6989 3811.”
I pray for the people at LifeSite News because outside of the whole “Roman Catholic” thing, they seem to be really good eggs.