SBC Prez J.D. Greear plays Identity Politics with Southern Baptist Convention Appointments

(Capstone Report) New committee appointments over-represent favored groups considered oppressed by secular society and under-represent whites and males. The SBC is 85% White but only 49% of the new appointments are White. Is this real diversity or Affirmative Action at work?

SBC President J.D. Greear appointed the SBC’s 2021 Committee on Committees (yes, that is a real thing), and it looks nothing like the community it serves. The Committee is composed of 39 women, 29 men and is majority non-white. In other words, the committee over-represents certain preferred groups at the expense of the people who pay the bills and faithfully attend Southern Baptist Convention churches. And, SBC Elites justify this with their new idol—Diversity.

I am grateful for this diverse group and their willingness to be a part of the process, many of them serving for the first time,” Greear said in a statement published by Pravda, err Baptist Press. “They are people who want to unify around the Gospel above all and who believe we must be a convention that reflects the coming Kingdom while we engage the next generation on mission. They truly are Great Commission Baptists.”

The BP story is worthy of a press release from a Woke corporation like Delta or Coke.

Gone is any notion that the SBC system should represent the churches it serves. Instead, diversity is the new idol.

A few years ago, SBC Elites were…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report

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