Charismatic Prophetess Explains the Trinity – with Disastrous Results

Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired, mainstream-continuationist, spunky charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” has given us a fresh round of “revelation” about heaven.

Appearing on Episode 20 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve,” chief enabler Steve Shultz of the Elijah List asks her about the Trinity and what it means to be part of the Godhead. She responds with a brief explanation the personhood of God and then things get wild. Really Wild.

In the upper room in Israel, I saw the portal the Holy Spirit came to when he put the tongues of fire on those waiting [for him] and they were asking to be consumed by the Spirit of God. So Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity and He stands to the left side of the throne. There’s even like a well of oil called ‘the oil of the Holy Spirit’ that He takes and pours on people, sometimes it comes out of bibles – those things really do happen right – so there’s three individual Gods, they’re all God, but the reason He’s called the “three in one” is because they have the ability to step inside of each other.”

And the way the Father explained to me was He caught me up to heaven, I saw the Father sitting on his throne. There’s Christ sitting at His right side there’s the Holy Spirit on the left, and He said ‘now we will be the three in one.’

Jesus stands up and steps totally inside of his Father – you can’t see Him anymore, He’s in the Father. Holy Spirit comes and steps inside the Father and the Father goes ‘now we’re the three in one.’ It is that simple.

Steve: “That’s a literal thing? That’s not a symbolic picture? They literally did that?

That literally happens. And even in the bible when Jesus would say to the Father ‘Me in You and You in Me, I desire that they that talks about the body of Christ be one as We are one,’ because when you go to heaven you can step inside the Father, Jesus steps inside the Father and Holy Spirit steps inside the Father and then you’re all there together.

It’s an amazing thing and you have more understanding of the spirit realm, you have a spiritual body, and so they as God, they are the Godhead, they each have a head, they’re three individual Gods, and they step inside to become the ‘three in one,’ the Holy Trinity.

And so that’s the best explanation. That’s exactly the one the Father gave me. I understood clearly and then of course the Holy Spirit steps out, Christ stepped out when I’m standing before the throne of God. He said now we are Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is so simple a 5-year-old can understand that.

[Editor’s note: It sounds more like a 5-year-old made it up…]

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1 thought on “Charismatic Prophetess Explains the Trinity – with Disastrous Results

  1. I hope this narcissistic opportunist is enjoying all the money and fame she’s reaping from her naive, undiscerning followers in this life because eternity and judgment awaits us all.

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