Georgia Senator and ‘Pastor’ Ralph Warnock Tweets Easter Heresy, then Deletes

Georgia Senator and progressive “pastor” Raphael Warnock, lauded by Kyle J. Howard and his ilk as representative of the black church and a paragon of Christian faithfulness, tweeted out then deleted an Easter message that was shot full of blasphemy.
Rather than noting that Jesus died on a cross to save people from their sins, with Easter being the day we celebrate his resurrection, this “impastor” explained that Easter is less about Jesus rising from the dead, but rather about people saving themselves by helping others.

Warnock is no stranger to unbiblical things. This pastor is rabidly actively pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, to the point where he was endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Despite this, he continues to be the darling of the Democratic woke folk and this tweet is unlikely to change anything.

Unsurprisingly, Howard was quick to defend Warnock and make excuses for him, saying that he knows better and suggesting he probably just saying it poorly.

Heretics as far as the eye can see.