Breaking! Christian Relationship Guru Derrick Jaxn Lies about Confession, Cheated on His Wife 7 days Ago + Abortion

“Christian” Relationship Guru Derrick Jaxn, who recently appeared in a video with his wife confessing to having cheated on her 6 months ago and claiming that he’s been on the straight and narrow since then, having revealed everything to his wife and now walking in the way of righteousness with his Lord, was outed as having cheated on his wife with his current mistress less than a week ago.
Appearing on Tasha K’s Channel just last night, a new “other woman,” Nikki, reveals that Jaxn contacted her on Wednesday with a gag order to prevent her from talking and telling anyone about their relationship, but he was two days too late, as she had already contacted Tasha this past Monday and revealed all.
And not audio-only, but sent their text messages, audio messages, and video from her security cameras showing him walking around naked through the home, as well as driving up to the driveway. So he is caught dead to rights.

Nikki explains that in October 2020 (3 months after flying his other mistress Candice to his home for a weekend of sinful debauchery and then confessing it to his wife after being caught), Jaxn saw her one day on the street and hit on her. He never mentioned that he had a wife or kids and pretended to be single. They hit it off, started having sex almost right away, stopped using birth control after about two weeks and she found out she was pregnant in early December.
Being a surgeon who’s just starting to move forward in her career, and being only 32, she didn’t want the child and had an abortion.
After the video on the confession was released, he told Nikki that he was just doing it to save face, given that he has a $100,000 book and project deal with T. D. Jakes on the line. Despite in his video name dropping Jesus and making these falsely contrite claims that it’s over and he’s going by new standards now, he last cheated on his wife March 18, 2021, and the mistress has the receipts to prove it.
Prior to this new revelation, his wife explained during his video that upon hearing about the cheating that she left him, and that she only came back after seeing a change in him.
I stayed gone and stayed firm in my decision and I did not come back until I saw a shift and change in his mentality and how he carried himself and how he presented himself in conversations that we were able to have that we were never able to have in 12 years of knowing each other.
So today, where I’m at, it’s at peace and by his side and I have no hesitation or hurt or shame about that, and it’s only because of the grace of God and the mercy of God.
And we have already turned a new chapter in this story and we are continuing to move forward and we are just now sharing this with you, and I forgave him and most importantly, God has forgiven him and the others as well.
Clearly, Jaxn uses religion and his profession of faith as a manipulation tactic to assuage his wife despite his chronic adultery and lying.
We’re praying for God to provide comfort to his wife and kids, and imprecatory prayers for him.
So many false teachers these days. If this man actually went to a real church, he would have never been any sort of guru (whatever that is). But let’s just grant he somehow became one, this and the previous event surely should have disqualified him from ever serving in some type of leadership capacity for the rest of his life.
What a scum bag this man is. It’s ridiculous he is going to try and give relationship advice while cheating on his wife and being an accomplice to the murder of his unborn child.
This made me pause:
“They hit it off, started having sex almost right away, stopped using birth control after about two weeks and she found out she was pregnant in early December.
Being a surgeon who’s just starting to move forward in her career, and being only 32, she didn’t want the child and had an abortion.”
I am glad she won’t operate on me.
And yet fools will still follow and support his “ministry” and buy his books and such.
Why not pray for his repentance????
Only imprecatory prayers???
Discernment+No love = false religion.
Probably because it’s safe to assume he wasn’t a Christian in the first place. Praying for his conversion would be appropriate, though.
Even more reason to pray for his salvation and not merely his judgement. If we fall in this major of a way, I hope someone is there to pray for us.
Are you sure there’s only two women on the side as the last article about this made it sound like there was just one girlfriend call, and I think I commented that usually when these things are exposed it’s much worse then first reported. Think of Ravi Zacharias and others.
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