Charismatic Conference Sees 4-Year-Old Kids Taught to Speak in Tongues, Prophecy, and Get ‘Slain in the Spirit’

A worship session during a charismatic children’s conference had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit, with rejoicing testimony that these young ones were “falling out under the power and crying and trembling.”

The Fire21 Kids Conference was held in Orlando, FL, and ran alongside the Fire21 Conference, a 3-day charismatic extravaganza that featured speakers Daniel Kolebda, Todd White, and Bethel’s Sean Feucht.

In a video that was uploaded to Facebook, children as young as 4 years old sway and raise their arms while worship leader Jenny Weaver leads them through a read and response, asking them to repeat after her, which they enthusiastically do. She is joined by her daughter on stage, a 10-year-old who travels with her and has allegedly cast out demons and healed the sick.

Fill me up
To overflowing
I receive now
My prayer language
In the mighty name
of Jesus.

Weaver tells them, “now just begin to speak in your heavenly language!” as she begins to “speak in tongues” from the altar, prompting the children to imitate her and follow suit, with some beginning to shout gibberish as others look around confused and uncertain.

She concludes by bending down and releasing an impartation, touching several of the children on the head and shouting, “Fire, fire on your life!” and “Never the same!”

During another part of the conference, some young girls get up on stage in front of adults and a mixed audience and begin speaking in tongues. Done under the thundering, rhythmic music setting the stage, one girl preaches about the “breaker spirit” and declares that the “spirit of religion” would be broken.

While receiving overwhelming support and awe from the charismatic community, nearly 7000 shares and thousands of positive comments, a few naysayers pointed out that this sort of thing would not have nearly the same effect if it were done in front of a quiet room without the crashing drums and pulsating drone of the music permeating every word, along with pointing out that these children don’t know what they’re even doing and likening the whole event to spiritual abuse.

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8 thoughts on “Charismatic Conference Sees 4-Year-Old Kids Taught to Speak in Tongues, Prophecy, and Get ‘Slain in the Spirit’

  1. Yikes! Why do I have the feeling that this individual is imparting a kundalini spirit to these poor kids? Exhorting ‘fire onto you!’ like Benny Hinn and other infamous Hell-raisers is beyond creepy.

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