Health Update on Voddie Baucham: Out of Texas and In the Hospital

Update #1: From Voddie’s Instagram a few minutes ago.

The Lord saw fit to open a door at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. But before I could get to my appointment, things took a turn for the worse. I ended up in the ER, and was subsequently admitted.

Someday, I’ll tell the whole story of how the Lord shepherded us here, but for now, I’ll just say we are grateful to be where we are.

Up to this point we have been playing defense (i.e. don’t die!). Now we go on offense (find the problem and fix it).

Thank you for praying and for your words of encouragement. This journey is a long way from over, but we are grateful for every step.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,” (Ephesians 1:3 ESV)

Voddie Baucham has managed to leave Texas, which has been overwhelmed by snow and grid shortages that left millions without power, and has made it to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, where he is receiving treatment from doctors for his heart failure and kidney problems.

There had been doubt he would be able to get there sooner, given the turbulent journey it has already been, as well as all the destruction the weather is leaving in its wake. Baucham wrote yesterday that they had to “pivot” from their plans when their initial flight was canceled but hoped to find another one later that evening. He further told supporters:

Pray the weather holds up. Pray our strength holds up. Pray my dear wife holds up! Pray our faith holds up. Pray we don’t waste these trials, but learn from them.

Tom Ascol, a long-time ministry partner who organized the GoFundMe for Baucham, which has now surpassed 1.25 million dollars, updated both the funds raised and his own Twitter feed to give the news.

The Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville is one of the health network’s three campuses in the United States. They are a world-class hospital that is considered one of the very best, particularly in the specialization of cardiology and heart surgery, and are known for their high level of care and success rate for treatment.

We will update this specific post over the course of the day.

Please continue to pray for Voddie and his family.

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2 thoughts on “Health Update on Voddie Baucham: Out of Texas and In the Hospital

  1. Dr. Voddie is a man after God’s own heart and I just started listening to some of Dr. Voddie’s sermons and he is on point.

    His sermons are truly a wakeup call for me. Just truly a blessing and food for my soul
    I will definitely by praying for Dr. Voddie. May God Bless Him with recovering and healing.

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