‘God Herself.’ Rep. Eric Swalwell Calls God a Woman While Discussing Impeachment Failure

(Daily Wire) Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) implied God is a woman during a Saturday interview on MSNBC about the recent impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump.
Speaking with host Nicole Wallace about Democrats’ decision not to subpoena witnesses, Swalwell said, “The choice was, do we chase those people, not knowing what they’re going to say, to the courts for years or do we go forward with the powerful, thundering case that we have? And also knowing that Mitch McConnell was already telling us that he believed the challenge was a jurisdictional one.”
“So we could have called God herself, and the Republicans weren’t going to be willing to convict, so we’re proud of the case we have put forward,” Swalwell…
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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jon Brown and published at the Daily Wire. Title changed by Protestia.
Jesus has to be coming back soon, right?
This is the dumb dumb that got duped by Phang Phang the Chinese spy! Yet he sat on the judgment seat of yet another scam and sham.
Psalm 37 is wisdom for all of us today!
I wonder if he got the heretical idea from reading “The Shack” or watching the movie made from it a few years back where God turned out to be a black woman, if I’m not mistaken.
I posted this before but it fits here as well – For liberals, including self identifying liberal Christians, everyone is entitled to choose their own gender pronouns except God. The will imperiously assign God’s pronouns and “she” will get used to it. Their God has fewer rights than the attention seekers. That’s the way the soy boys and priestesses like it; a god they control, a god they boss around and use for their own political purposes.