Exclusive: Lifeway Employee Political Contributions Favor Democrats 4:1

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Lifeway Christian Resources is a “Democrat donating machine,” at least according to a little-known app featured by Forbes, CNET, and the Washington Post. Singular in purpose, it shows you a company or brand employee’s political contributions before you make your online or in-person purchase, ensuring the ability to vet companies hostile to personal political convictions before they are financially supported.
Progressive Shopper, the Chrome extension that lets you know to which political parties or super PACs your favorite companies or company employees are donating, has the usual mix of big names, giving them ratings based on how liberal or progressive they are.

CNET reports that “Etsy, Lego, REI, and Toms seem to be more interested in ideological purity: All were 100 percent in the Democrats’ column in terms of donations. Meanwhile, The Home Depot, Gymboree, and Citigroup donated about $2 to Republicans for every $1 they pledged to Democrats.”
Then Lifeway came up. Nearly 80% of political donations from their employees went to Democrats, receiving a highly recommended designation from an organization dedicated to promoting progressive bedfellows and beliefs.

According to Progressive Shopper, “The data on the site covers the 2016, 2018, and 2020 election cycles,” and all the information comes directly from the FEC, which has a searchable directory that is unwieldy and not user-friendly. They further inform that:
“The data provided by the FEC is open to the public and includes:
- donations of more than $200 in a cycle
- the name, address, employer, and occupation of each donor
- the beneficiary of the political donation (for example, candidates, political parties, and independent groups).”
The site then aggregates them all together in a smooth, snappy and concise manner, serving as a quick reference and high-level view to determining if a company you’re about to shop at is woke enough for you to go broken.

Of course, these numbers do line up with FEC reports that records and notes which party Lifeway employees are overwhelmingly contributing to. Some of the names expectedly are relatively high up in the corporate foodchain, but for our purposes, we’ve blurred them all out so as not to distract or make it about individual people.

click to enlarge
According to their website ACTBLUE is a “nonprofit technology organization…that enables left-leaning nonprofits, Democratic candidates, and progressive groups to raise money from individual donors on the Internet” wheeas “WINRED is the Republican Party’s fundraising platform endorsed by the Republican National Committee.”
For more information about the many, many issues with Lifeway regarding corruption and peddling heretical books, belying a progressive perspective and culture from the top to the bottom, click HERE.
Good work!
That pretty much tells any faithful Christ-follower all they need to know.
Not very shocking at all when you consider the garbage they peddle in their stores.
You trust government statistics? The vast majority of donations at the FEC site are from https://lifewaykefir.com/ employees. Do your research.
We only pulled Lifeway Christian Resources and those in Tennessee. Lifeway Kefir facilities are in Wisconsin, Illinois, and California. Not Tennessee.