Breaking! Another Dumpster Fire Prayer at Joe Biden Inauguration ‘To Your Glory, Majesty, Dominion…

A progressive pastor has given the inaugural prayer for Joe Biden’s ascendency, and while his closing benediction wasn’t as openly ridiculous as the infamous ‘awoman’ prayer from the 117th Congress opener, it was more heretical; a syncretic pluralism prayed to “our collective faith” which nicely serves to highlight President Biden’s pagan, anti-christal beliefs.

“To your glory, majesty, dominion and power forever. Hallelujah. Glory, Hallelujah. In the strong name of our collective faith, amen.”

The man delivering the prayer is Rev. Silvester Beaman, the pastor of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Wilmington, Delaware. He has said of Joe Biden:

“Joe Biden is a man whose life experiences have taught him to seek the face of God. He’s had some dark times in his life. And he’s someone who is naturally a person of faith. He prays and listens to God.

“We need a president who is after the heart of God. In these terrible times, if anybody can bring healing and reconciliation to a divided country, if we give him room to work, Joe Biden can be that person.”

For those not familiar, the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) denomination is the first to be founded on racial rather than theological grounds. Consequently, Black Liberation Theology is very common and is regularly preached.

According to Pew Research,

94% voted for the Democrats
64% think abortion should be LEGAL in all/ most
61% think homosexuality should be accepted*
49% believe humans evolved

The AME does not officially condemn abortion, having ‘no official position on it’ but Senior Bishop of the denomination, John H. Adams has explained “AME members believe that “people have the right to control their own bodies,” and that it is “a decision of the woman and her family and not of the government.”

*Interestingly, the official position of the denomination is that they are categorically against same-sex marriage and homosexuality, even if by and large the people are for it and it is becoming more and more accepted. This salient point is skipped over when a Democrat President is giving the invite to speak.

The full prayer can be found below

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