Franklin Graham Compares Republicans Who Voted For Trump’s Impeachment To Judas

Franklin Graham took to Facebook to blasted the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump, likening them to Judas betraying Jesus and questioning whether Nancy Pelosi gave them 30 pieces of silver for their trouble.
Graham has been an outspoken advocate for the president and while acknowledging January 6th to be a “low point” in his presidency, he highlighted the rest of his term and rightly pointed out the good policies he has done.
Shame, shame on the ten Republicans who joined with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday. After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back and betray him so quickly? We have never had a president like him in my lifetime.
He gave us lower taxes, a strong economy, and low unemployment. He made NATO take notice and pay their own way. He had the guts to take on North Korea and meet with their leader personally. He didn’t let China walk all over us. Just his Mideast peace initiatives in the last couple of months deserve a Nobel Peace Prize.
He has defended religious liberty like no president before him, and that matters to all people of faith. He has worked to bring prison reform and secured our southern border. He defeated the ISIS caliphate in Syria, and he strengthened our military. He was also the most pro-life president we have ever had.
But the House Democrats impeached him because they hate him and want to do as much damage as they can. And these ten, from his own party, joined in the feeding frenzy.It makes you wonder what the thirty pieces of silver were that Speaker Pelosi promised for this betrayal.
President Trump isn’t a perfect person. I don’t support or agree with some of the things the President said and did the last couple of weeks. January 6 was a low point in his presidency. We knew he had flaws when he ran for office in 2016. But I, and millions of others, voted for him because of the platform and policies he promised. I still support those.
The Democrats have been trying to get rid of the President since the day he took office. What they did yesterday only further divides our nation. I hope President-elect Biden will keep his word and work for unity as he has said.

The 10 members who voted to impeach were:
- Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
- Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming
- Rep. John Katko of New York
- Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan
- Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
- Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington
- Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan
- Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
- Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina
- Rep. David Valadao of California
Does Graham really think Biden meant what he said about unity and peace? He may not be far behind when it comes to mentally diminished.
Franklin is thinking like a straight shooter would think. Gotta be more cynical Mr Graham. The libs have long been running their “moderates” on the gop ticket in many places. That’s how we go a houseful of RINOs who essentially agree with everything on the dem platform. GOO voters are easy to fool, be ex military or wrap yourself in an American flag and they’ll vote for you. The conservatives are good guys who don’t lie about every position to run on the democrat ticket.
I doubt these guys got 30 pieces of silver; they’re most likely true believers in socialism lite, universal Medicaid, the planet’s endangered, there’s a deadly plague that requires closing every business in the US, wearing a bandana over your face does anything to stop viruses, every criminal in the world has the right to immigrate to the US, abortion is a right, etc. (The Meijer guy is the multimillionaire heir of the Meijer grocery story chain with disclosed assets of $50 million. Just another young, lily white one percenter who searches for meaning by self loathing. Of course he was able to run as Republican using his military service.) Even accounting the election as a third world sham there’s still 30-40% of American adults who believe those things. The US population has become too stupid to self govern itself.
Forget about thinking socialism lite vs. conservative, etc. Another revelation under the era of Trump, something that believers in Christ need to get a hold of, namely, our political system has ditched Jude/Christian world view. That’s why everything is so convoluted, why we Christians cringe and are unseasy. The political system in the US is Antichrist. They come up with ideas of solving whatever problem that they themselves have brought upon us. They defy the Word of God and think they are so smart, but never do they confess that their corrupt systems are contrary to God’s commands.