Pictures from Deranged Abortionist who Kept 2411 Dead Babies on Property Revealed

Crime scene photos from deranged Abortions’ Ulrich Klopfer home and property have been unearthed thanks to a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) from CBS2 News, who released them exclusively.

You’ll recall Indiana’s Attorney General has closed out the case of the abortion “doctor” who kept 2411 dead babies preserved in his home, in the trunk of his car, and spread elsewhere on his property, declaring that he acted alone and cannot be charged due to his timely passing of natural causes in 2019.

Following his death on Sept. 3, 2019, his family discovered the collection of baby remains all throughout his property. According to the report:

According to a statement:

The remains, mostly found in molding boxes and old Styrofoam coolers containing large, red medical waste bags, were in various states of decay.

Each remain appeared to have been placed in a small, clear, plastic specimen bag for purposes of being medically preserved in a chemical suspected to be formalin, a formaldehyde derivative.

However, many of the bags degraded over time and/or suffered damage, resulting in leakage from the individual bags into the outer bag, box, or cooler.

The remains are believed to have been dated from 2001-2003, being stored away for nearly 20 years. The children have since all been buried in Indiana.

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