California Church that Refuses to Shut Down Passes $1,000,000 in Fines

A Church in San Jose, California that has refused to close its doors during the COVID-19 pandemic has crossed an ignoble threshold and now owes over $1,000,000 in fines and administrative fees.
Calvary Chapel Church led by Pastor Mike Mclure has been in defiance of a Santa Clara County Public Health Order for months. They closed their church doors for a brief time in March and April, but reopened in May and have been open ever since, meeting inside their church building unmasked and without social distancing.
Since then the County has fined the church hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to force compliance, along with a restraining order. The church has so far refused to pay, and consequently, the county has filed a lawsuit demanding an injunction to physically shut them down.

The church services have been averaging around 700 people, and each time they gather their fines grow, at $2500 a service, not including administrative fees. The County has said in a statement they have no intentions to let them off the hook or to minimize their fees, but insists that they will be paid no matter what.
These are the largest shut-down related fines accrued by any church in the world.
If that alone wasn’t enough to enrage critics, the church has come under further criticism after receiving a PPP loan back in April for $340,000.
Calvary Church lawyers are in the process of arguing that these fines and orders are unconstitutional, and Pastor McClure has vowed that he will never shut down his church again, saying:
You’ve got to either follow God or you’ve got to follow man. I have to follow what God’s word said. You have to follow what God’s word says. So, that’s what I’m going to do. I’m not worried about the things that you might be worried about. I worried about what God’s worried about. God is worried about your heart and your life and your eternity, more than a mask because those are debatable things.
Governmental authority needs to stop attacking Christ. This is what they are really doing. Attacking the church. I say this because, Forcing lockdowns on Churches because they they want to worship is attacking Christ. Jesus takes these attacks personally as Saul found out..
Act 9:3 As he was traveling, it happened that he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him;
Act 9:4 and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
Act 9:5 And he said, “Who are You, Lord?” And He said, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting,
If you work for the government and give out fines while calling yourself a Christian, you better check your loyalties. You will answer for attacking Christ as well unless you repent and STOP attacking Christ’s Church / Christ body..
Another thought……the article says the church accepted a $340000 PPP loan. Once that money was accepted the church became a ward of the state IMHO.