‘Museum of the Bible’ Celebrates Singer Taylor Swift’s Birthday

The Museum of the Bible, whose mission it is to “invite all people to engage with the transformative power of the Bible” exercised some stupidly poor judgment when they honored the birthday of a pro-LGBT, pro-abortion pop star on their Facebook page, inviting observers to consider whether or not there were biblical references in her music.
In honor of Taylor Swift’s birthday today … Do you think there is a Bible reference in her song, “Look What You Made Me Do”? We are on the hunt to figure it out. When she mentions “kingdom keys” is she referencing Matthew 16:19 about the “keys of the kingdom”? Tell us what you think! [sic]

Though the board is comprised of many Christians who are required to sign a statement of faith, being that this is the personal passion project of David Green, the owner of arts and craft chain Hobby Lobby. Though he donates hundreds of millions of dollars to evangelical charities and missions, the museum is aggressively non-sectarian and theologically subdued, with no proselytizing messages. [Editor’s note: We call prosetelyzing “evangelizing” or preaching the Gospel.]
Realistically, with this status update, they’re doing that lame thing the Christian culture does where they desperately try to seek any morsel or crumb of bible references in media. You see it when seeker-sensitive pastors do sermons based on popular movies and tv shows, or when everyone goes wild because some celebrity makes a passing reference to their faith.
So no, Taylor Swift isn’t referencing Matthew 16:19 and “keys of the kingdom,” and even if she were, it wouldn’t matter. There’s no need to pander for the sake of faux relevance, and no need to honor a woman who creates anthems in defiance of Christ.
There’s an article on Drudge right now about over 400 “Global Faith Leaders” (of various religions) who are pushing for world-wide abolition of “sexual orientation conversion therapy.” I expected to see it being covered here. But I guess a pop star reference from some obscure (at least to me) “Bible museum” gets top billing. As repulsive as I find Taylor Swift to be, it’s strange. Perhaps you’ll get to the other issue later?
It’s all about a major push to reduce the population and promotion of homosexuality as well as destroying a young persons ability to reproduce through pushing “transgenderism” (and the hormone shots that go with it) is all part of it along with how thr abortion industry will now go into overdrive under a Biden presidency — and we get to pay for it, whether we like it or not. At least Trump cut back some of their funding, but we couldn’t keep him around, of course.
I guess the Museum of the Bible‘s Christianity is as authentic as the artifacts they exhibit.
This must be the museum of the satanic bible………………………….
Taylor Swift’s birthday is mentioned at least twice
In the Bible, including in Esther 9:1. Can anyone find some other references?