Jerry Falwell Jr. Comes to Senses: Drops Defamation Lawsuit Against Liberty U

Disgraced Former Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. has come to his senses and dropped a lawsuit he filed against his former empire, likely realizing that there’s something called “discovery” and deciding he doesn’t want any part of it.

Falwell led Liberty University for 13 years and then was allowed to peacefully leave “on good terms” with a huge multimillion-dollar severance given to him by a cowardly board of trustees despite being embroiled in a sex scandal and a history of inappropriate behavior, started by the infamous yacht photo.

Lawyers for Falwell pulled back the case and the Judge granted the motion to dismiss it, for now, with Falwell having the option to refile it at a later date. He said in a brief statement Thursday:

I’ve decided to take a time out from my litigation against Liberty University, but I will continue to keep all options on the table for an appropriate resolution to the matter.

Falwell claimed in the suit that Liberty violated its employment agreement with him by disparaging him publicly, something they should not be able to do according to his contract, as well as making public comments on the reasons he was leaving. He asserted that these “defamatory or slanderous remarks” wrecked his reputation and caused him immense personal and professional damage.

As to why he’s withdrawn his suite, what likely happened was that Falwell realized that in order for Liberty to demonstrate they had not defamed him with falsehoods, he and family and friends would be deposed and have to answer a series of questions under oath that he definitely did not want to be asked, less his further corruptions and vices be exposed.

With Falwell doing things like throwing Trailer Park Boys themed parties, posing with pants unzipped with a family friend, liking half-naked pictures of models, giving interviews where he’s either drunk or on drugs, or engaging in bizarre weight lifting videos, he likely knew they had more than enough fodder to light that keg.

Interestingly enough, even while Falwell was embroiled in a legal case against his former school, he hasn’t kept too far away from Liberty. He was given a tour of Liberty University’s new Vines Center a few weeks ago, tagging them in an Instagram post.

As for Vines Center’s page, well, they’re posting pictures that certainly seem inspired by their past leader. We’re not sure why they would post pictures like this on an official social media page for a Christian University, which has drawn predictable comments, except to say that clearly, Falwell’s permissive influence over LU is more pervasive than we thought.

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