Tony Evans Suggests Critical Race Theory has ‘Useful Benefits,’ Denounces SBC Contra Statement

The Council of Seminary Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention released a statement a few days ago where they “denounced” racism and Critical Race Theory (CRT) as incompatible with the scriptures and with Christian orthodoxy.
As far as efforts go it was graded a C-. It had the net benefit of sending progressive wokefolk like Dwight McKissic into a tizzy, Jemar Tisby to write a heated response, all while his organization is swarming with pro-choice grifters, and Kyle J. Howard to melt down in a puddle of tears and rock back and forth in the corner muttering something about racial trauma at the mere mention of someone disagreeing with him about race. We’re talking next-level self-imposed PTSD flashbacks here.
And yet these SBC Presidents wouldn’t know what Critical Race Theory was if it walked over to them, backhanded them across the face, gripped their head with its fingers, jammed its thumbs into their eye sockets, and made it so that they could never again look upon a police interaction with a black man and declare it raaaaacist!
Because they all do, you know. These Presidents denounce CRT and yet they’ll all decry the death of George Floyd as caused by “racism.” What do they think they are doing?
They’ll watch videos like this below where SBTS professor Matt Hall says that the doctrine of sin dictates that white folk in America will always be racist, and not see it for the hot mess of CRT that it is. Will they openly rebuke it and call it out for what it’s worth? No. For such smart men, they sure are pretty dumb sometimes.
And now Lifeway’s own Tony Evans, a pelagian and inclusivist who espoused standpoint theory when he capitalized on the color of his skin to sow seeds of discord in American evangelicalism by encouraging the racist, divisive protests against the Dove Awards by Social Gospel proponents, Lecrae and Kirk Franklin.
You’ll recall Evans was interviewed by the Religion News Service (RNS) and asked directly about why he encouraged Franklin to boycott the awards show on the grounds of “diversity” even though the show regularly gives awards to diverse people.
Evans answered, “One of the things I point out in the Bible is the black presence in the Bible…And so when they cut out the part of his speech, that was critical to his and our experience that demonstrated cultural, racial insensitivity, especially since it was nothing offensive. It was a fact of what had happened. So I felt that would have been appropriate since that’s what his conscience told him to do.”
In any case, after having his sermon mentioned in the President’s creamy-handed hit against CRT, Tony Evans released a statement denouncing the use of his sermon to affirm that CRT is incompatible with Christianity.
Members of the 2019 Resolution Committee of the SBC, without my awareness or permission, used my name in their recent Affirmation of Recent Statements from Christian Leaders on Critical Race Theory. Upon reading this affirmation, I need to state that their use of my name and what I said in a sermon titled Race & Reconciliation released on 11/15/20 needs clarification of what I fully said. They have referenced a portion without giving it the context of my sermon.
I have a great deal of respect for the SBC and the work that they do around the nation and the world, and this misunderstanding does not diminish that in any way.
As I stated in my sermon, which I encourage everyone reading this to watch, I again affirm that the Bible must be the basis for analyzing any and all social, racial or political theories in order to identify what is legitimate or what is not legitimate. But I did not say, nor imply, that CRT or other ideologies lack beneficial aspects—rather that the Bible sits as the basis for determining that. I have long taught that racism, and its ongoing repercussions, are real and should be addressed intentionally, appropriately and based on the authority of God’s inerrant word.
To no one’s surprise, SBC President J.D. “Hold-my-beer” Greear, who never met a police interaction he didn’t denounce as racist (Literally. Check our Archives. Every one of them.) and has been one of the biggest cheerleaders and purveyors of CRT, defended Evan’s irritation at having his words used to denounce it, giving it a big old thumbs up.

This naturally led Pastor Tom Buck to smack him on the snout for being the liar and reviler that he is:

These Seminary presidents are acting like a bunch of school children who got caught necking with CRT behind the gymnasium and now are insisting their childhood crush is actually a loose woman of ill repute and a stranger to be shunned. They don’t know her, you see, and want her off the property, even as they have lipstick all over their cheeks.
That’s Southern Baptist scumbaggery for you, and don’t for a second think Evans isn’t part of it.
It’s really shameful how many wolves are out there leading people astray. Wake up, people!