Young Christian Congressman-Elect Under Fire for Trying to Convert Jews

Rising GOP Star Madison Cawthorn, who is set to become one of the youngest members of Congress in history after winning his seat in North Carolina against Moe Davis, is under fire from leftists for the great and evil sin of trying to proselytize other people to his Christian faith.

Cawthorn, the 25-year-old politician who was paralyzed from the waist down 6 years ago after an automobile accident, has been open about his Christian beliefs and has spent a lot of time preaching at churches and sharing his testimony all through North Carolina.

In an interview with the Jewish Insider, when questions of his faith came up, Cathown was ebullient. “I would say I have a very, very, very strong faith and [am] very grounded in the actual word” he said, and described how he has read the holy books of other religions in order to understand them better and convert them more successfully. “If all you are is friends with other Christians, then how are you ever going to lead somebody to Christ? If you’re not wanting to lead somebody to Christ, then you’re probably not really a Christian.”

The Insider reports:

Had he ever tried to convert any Jews to the Christian faith?

“I have,” he said with a laugh. “I have, unsuccessfully. I have switched a lot of, uh, you know, I guess, culturally Jewish people. But being a practicing Jew, like, people who are religious about it, they are very difficult. I’ve had a hard time connecting with them in that way.”

Cawthorn expressed a similar sentiment during a July 2019 sermon at a church in Highlands, North Carolina. “If you have Jewish blood running through your veins today,” he told the crowd, mulling on a chapter from the Gospel of Mark, “this might not mean as much to you, but for someone like me, who’s a gentile, this means a lot.”

It’s these comments that have caused the ire to rise in many of his critics, accusing the young man of being culturally incentive, judgmental, and downright evil for these endeavors. This negative attention from the media has led Cawthorn to comment

While there are many individuals and organizations aghast at the very act of proselytization itself, there are others who are upset and outraged over what they see as perceived hypocrisy from Cawthorn, who does not have a very good reputation in some circles, with some extremely serious charges being leveled against him.

You can read more here and here but the gist of it is that while Cawthorn was still running for office, 10 students who attended the Patrick Henry College with him, a Christian post-secondary institution in Virginia, wrote and signed a statement accusing him of wide-scaled sexually predatory behavior and a pattern of lying, using filthy language, and being an all-around hypocritical scumbag. This letter was later co-signed by another 150 students and alumni.

It is this inconsistency they say is what makes his statement so gross to his critics, and not the act of converting itself.

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5 thoughts on “Young Christian Congressman-Elect Under Fire for Trying to Convert Jews

  1. Converting Jews is anti-semetic and therefor illegal. Jews are God’s CHOSEN people! NOT Christians. If your church or pastor supports conversation of Jews then report them to the ADL.

    Ps: I stand with Israel!!!

    1. Any church that does not support conversion of the Jews has no right to call itself Christian. God call’s His chosen people from all races and nationalities through Jesus Christ. There is no other way to God.

      In the US, there is no law that prohibits a Church from converting Jews, and the ADL has no authority over a church or anything for that matter.

  2. ” Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” There, that is settled once and for all………………..2Tim4:2

  3. “Evangelicals” like John Hagee and Laurie Cardoza-Moore are opposed to preaching Jesus to Jews; in fact, they apparently believe Jews can be saved without Jesus.

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