Race-Baiting Bishop Talbert Swan and Kyle J. Howard are Basically the Same People

As the Democrats and Republicans engaged in a political knife fight for the heart of the nation and to see who will form the next Government, our favorite Racist McRacy Race-baiters are at it again, bemoaning anyone who voted for President Trump to stay in power as a bunch of white-deviled racists.
And this is just from the last 48 hours.
Flee from such men.
Hmm, sounds like the Bishop is racist to me. He who hates his brother dwells in darkness and bitterness defiles a man much like it does the woman, but maybe he just don’t get it. There are many willing players in this modern day “make-believe” clown world, and the murdering, lying ringmaster satan would not have it any other way.
So does Howard’s black side think his white side is racist? If so, what does he do about it? I think J.D. is right and that these guys think the way to power is through perpetual victim hood and beating people down to eventually handover the keys to the kingdom. When I read about these guys I can’t help but think of John 8:44.