Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Vote for Biden If You Want to Go Back to Church

(Faithwire) Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, said this week that the only way to end the lockdowns and return to church is to hand the country over to another Democrat, former vice president Joe Biden.

“If you’re tired of lockdowns, or you’re tired of wearing masks, or you wish you were in church this morning or watching college football or your kids were in-person instruction, it is time for change in this country, and that’s why we’ve got to elect Joe Biden,” she said during a Sunday appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Whitmer, of course, has unilaterally kept her state in perpetual lockdowns since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic — actions the Michigan Supreme Court have since ruled unconstitutional.

The Michigan attorney general announced in early October she would no longer enforce Whitmer’s orders.

In early May, Michigan churches filed a lawsuit against Whitmer

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Tré Goins-Phillips and originally published at Faithwire.

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3 thoughts on “Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: Vote for Biden If You Want to Go Back to Church

  1. What does Joe Biden have to do with the virus?? If he truly had a plan, why wouldn’t he show it?? He doesn’t and Trump has nothing to do with the virus.

  2. Isn’t it wonderful how Democrats like governor Whitmer care so much for “the little guy?” I mean she’s so caring and compassionate and always looking out for the people who need help.

    Turns out the leader of the “militia” who was trying to “remove” her from office hates Trump, although the media will not report that and make it sound like all those guys have to be right wingers.

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