Bisexual Megachurch ‘Pastor’ Turned Stripper has ‘Never Been Happier’

A Minnesota pastor (henceforward “pastrix” as there is no such thing as a female pastor) who left the pastorate to become a stripper and camgirl has “never been happier,” according to reports.

Nikole Mitchell, 36, started attending Woodlands Baptist Church in St. Paul, MN in 2011, and pursued the pulpit “because of my love for performing.” She recounts how she grew up in a conservative Christian environment where only men could be elders, and so being part of a church that allowed women to be pastors “blew my mind.” She developed an interest in theology and would be the first one in line after the service to ask the pastors questions. This eventually led to an offer to help lead the congregation. The New York Post reports this interaction.

“One of my pastors said ‘Nikole, did you realize that you’re a theologian?’ And they said, ‘We’d like you to be one of our pastors,’ ” she recalled. “To be on stage in front of thousands of people — that’s what I had been dreaming of for years.”

Eager to rise up the ranks, Mitchell — who was also raising three kids now aged, 10, 7 and 4 — snagged a spot as a weekly pastor in 2016.

During her time as pastor, she “read many articles and books, listened to interviews, watched videos,” and even participated in a course on “Queer Theology.” As a result, Mitchell “came to believe that Scripture did not condemn homosexuality” and she became as “passionate advocate” for them.

She discovered/realized that she was queer later that year while chasing and pulling those mental threads, and then went all in. She emerged from the depths of rebellion having given herself fully over to progressive Christianity and eventually atheism, casting off her pastrix mantle and leaving the church in 2017.

Having gone to church my whole life and eventually landing on a preaching team, all I ever knew and did was revolved around the church. But recently, as I started to deconstruct white straight male power and privilege and the patriarchy, I learned how much of my Christianity was the byproduct of white straight male thinking and ideology. As a biracial queer woman, their theology had no room for me.

Since then she has come a long way. She started following her life coach’s wife on Instagram who happened to be a lingerie model and pursued that industry, delving deeper down the rabbit hole.

She now operates an OnlyFans account where she posts X-rated content in exchange for money. Recently she was offered thousands of dollars for a sexual encounter by a paid viewer and was planning on accepting and engaging in some prostitution, but COVID hit and her plans were shuttered. Temporarily.

Mitchell says she doesn’t miss being a megachurch pastor, noting: “My sexuality is incredibly healing and sacred…and when I give this gift to people, it blesses them.”

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8 thoughts on “Bisexual Megachurch ‘Pastor’ Turned Stripper has ‘Never Been Happier’

  1. I skimmed through her testimonial “sermon” (which was more like a narcissistic play for aggrandizement from the audience, but I digress) and I caught the part where she says that she turned to sex in order to find acceptance, but Jesus saved her from all that. Looks like this sow dove head first back into her mire. And what a sad state her husband (and children) has been reduced to in this situation.

  2. Horniness + Earnings from acting on that hunger = Moral depravity & spiritual death. How sad for this woman.

  3. It’s more than just her.
    Just can’t understand any of God’s people who placed her in that position or sat under her.
    Whatever happened to discernment?
    Please come quickly Lord, or just take me home, this world is sick.

  4. So is she stripping in the pulpit yet? If not, give her time. She’s simply a fulfillment of prophecies and warnings regarding the last days deceptions. But those are found in the Bible, safely hidden from the discovery of apostate modernists who have no clue who Christ really is.

  5. God bless her. We need more pastors like her. She is being genuine and honest even if it means losing everything she built through her ministry. Many other pastors are hypocrites that stay in the closet filling their lustful appetites for years, and preaching against the very things they do.

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