California Megachurch Shuts Down Indoor Service after Accruing over $110,000 in Fines in two Weeks

SANTA CLARA - AUGUST 30: People show up for service at North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, Calif., on Sunday, Aug. 30, 2020. (Randy Vazquez/ Bay Area News Group)
North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, California, engaged in a battle of the wills and resources between themselves and the Santa Clara County, has decided to stop hosting “illegal” indoor services after amassing over $110,000 in fines and ultimately being threatened with an injunction – the same sort of injunction for which Pastor John MacArthur at Grace Community Church has defied and is facing further fines and jail time.
The 3000 member church, ordered to pay $112,750 in fines for defying the local public health order over a period of only a few weeks, (such as $52,750 in a nine-day period), took their Wednesday and Sunday evening service outside after being unable to sustain the heavy burden imposed on them, particularly as the fines began to be escalated to $50,000 per WEEK.
Pastor Jack Trieber made a series of YouTube videos explaining his objection to the fines and why they were staying open for indoor services, recently pleading with the government directly, explaining that the fines were outrageous and crushing, and begging them to stop.
“America, this is a serious moment….in just these few days we’re up to $52,000….Government, you cannot take away our freedom. You cannot take our right to assemble. County. State of California; it must stop. One, I’m asking you to stop all fines and two, I’m asking you to remove all fines. This is not Caesar’s money, this is God’s money. We have rendered unto Caesar the things that are Ceasar, and we rendered unto God through our tithes and offering which are his…I know America does not want this to happen and her country, and at this church.
James Willians, counsel for the County, said in a statement that there would be no grace or deals made on the fines, but that they would have to be paid in full. In terms of the church’s predicament, Williams was resolute and pitiless.
“The fact that we were absolutely going to pursue this made very clear that this is not optional. It’s essential to our community’s safety.
The reality that churches and other religious institutions across our county were successfully holding outdoor services, drive-in services, remote services — and have been — just completely undermines the notion that they needed to have an indoor gathering and create that huge risk of danger.”
Thousands of deluded and often feral individuals are coddled and protected by the state as they take to the streets to riot, destroy, loot, and beat/kill innocents over serial felons getting themselves killed while resisting arrest, yet the state brings their mighty weight and wrath against God-fearing people worshipping Almighty God. What country is this?
It’s a country that votes for candidates that promise free bread and security. There is no God, the state fills that role. Marx and V.I. Lenin are beaming with pride from hell.
This is not a God run church as long as they signed the state 501(c)(3) paperwork! Surprise!!! They belong to the state, that Lords it over them… wake up call finally?
Thousands rioting? I have not seen even close to thousands rioting. Thousands protest, hundreds riot. Many of them just looking for an excuse to, I agree, but many of them actually very angry at some
inexcusable injustices that if we just acknowledged as a nation I think they would stop being as angry. Tantrums are always unnecessary, but i don’t think we can compare someone throwing a tantrum because they got hit in the face to someone insisting that they should be able to gather thousands of people inside instead of outside.
I really don’t understand the need for indoor services. Jesus preached out in the open, wherever crowds would gather. Having said that, I do think that something needs to be done to address this infringement on our rights. Mega churches should join forces to find a solution.
Below zero weather, rain, sleet, wind, snow. You know, stuff like this might make meeting out side problematic.
I really don’t understand the need for you to have a car or be able to take a cab, bus, train or plane. Jesus walked or rode an animal everywhere. Of note is the Left is trying to bring back old school transportation to most of us(elites excluded). Donkeys will be out because they aren’t climate friendly. Hopefully your allotment of shoes will last.
Believing the narrative of the world is sad to see, especially among believers. How many have died from the virus in the indoor services? If God sees fit to destroy us for meeting together to worship Him, then so be it. Whether we live or die we are His…
In all honesty, it sounds like this church’s faith is a ‘preference’ and not a ‘conviction’. (US Supreme Court Wisconsin v Yoder)
If you’re willing to change your position, then it is a ‘preference of faith’, and that is not protected by the First Amendment.
Only ‘conviction of faith’ are protected. We need to make up our minds on what we believe and if we are willing to die for this belief.
To each his own faith…this is sanctifying that God is separating the chaff from the wheat. All glory alone be to our God!
I Am Proud That You Are Not Closing ..I Totally Agree With You 🙏🏻 It Is Our Rights and We Need To Stand up and Protect Them ..Praying For Our Country and People .🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸God Bless You 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸🙏🏻
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. If I were the leadership of the California government I would be concerned for themselves but since they are sold out to the enemy (Satan) they will be swept up in the fury of God. I pray for their souls. I also pray for the strength of that church to stay strong in the power of His might. God will have the last word. Don’t take on any condemnation, I am proud to call you my brothers and sisters in the faith. God bless you and give you wisdom on your service to Him.
It’s not good to not remain together and let them pick you off one by one.
It’s times like these that make us appreciate federal judges like the one in Pittsburgh who just declared that the Constitution cannot be suspended “for emergencies.” That judge rightly decreed that the people have a constitutional right to assemble—which no American government can override because of a declared ’emergency.’ The Constitution and its inherent rights do not ‘go away’ during a time of crisis. Too bad that so many governing California think they are above the Constitution, which, ostensibly, is supposed to be “the supreme law of the land.” (That’s WHY we have a Supreme Court!)
Yes, I believe this judge was appointed by President Trump. This is why it is so important to appoint judges who are Constitutionalists as it is the supreme law of the land. The liberals have been trying to undermine the Constitution for decades.
There goes the down fall of California.
Perhaps all the Republicans can move away and all tbe democrats can move in there… didnt they say something about California breaking away from the US at one time, i mean not being a part of the USA, PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY?? It’s big enough to float on out to sea and they can have it. Well if that doesnt happen, i. Sure God will take good care of California!!! Just saying..
Thousands rioting? I have not seen even close to thousands rioting. Thousands protest, hundreds riot. Many of them just looking for an excuse to, I agree, but many of them actually very angry at some
inexcusable injustices that if we just acknowledged as a nation I think they would stop being as angry. Tantrums are always unnecessary, but i don’t think we can compare someone throwing a tantrum because they got hit in the face to someone insisting that they should be able to gather thousands of people inside instead of outside.
From Africa I stand amazed and wonder who has done this to America?
No wonder the state of California is ablaze…
Governor Newson must wake up, Global warming is nothing compared to the Hands os Almighty GOD.
God over nation, King Jesus triumphs over Caesar.