Trump Re-enacts Dialogue God had with him about Job Creation. ‘Ok God. I Agree. You got me’

President Trump re-enacted a dialogue he had with the Lord this afternoon while standing in front of Air Force One during a press conference, saying that God spoke to him and acknowledged what a great job he did at growing the economy. He further stated that the Almighty challenged him again to do it once more in the midst of an economic recession caused by the novel coronavirus, in remarks that were likely, hopefully, tongue in cheek.

President Trump said:

What we achieve together, and what we’re together is nothing short of an economic miracle, and now we’re doing it again.

We did it. We built the greatest economy in the history of the world, and now I have to do it again.

ou know what that is? That’s right. That’s God testing me. He said ‘you know, you did it once’ and I said ‘Did I do a great job God? I’m the only one that can do it.’

He said ‘That you shouldn’t say, now we’re going to have you do it again.’ I said ‘Ok, I agree. You got me.’

But I did it once, and I’m doing it again. and you see the kind of numbers we’re up, they’re unbelievable. Best job numbers ever.

A video can be seen embedded from The Hill below.

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