A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic. Album Twenty One
The twenty-first album in an on-going series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With few churches gathering in-person in these dark times, these are the few congregations who are. For previous albums:
Album #1 Album #2 Album #3 Album #4 Album #5 Album #6 Album #7 Album #8 Album #9 Album #10 Album #11 Album #12 Album #13 Album #14 Album #15 Album #16 Album#17 Album# 18 Album #19 Album #20
These churches are using FM transmitters to pipe audio to the cars directly, are preaching outside, or are back in their buildings having in-person services.
All are being safe.
All are being obedient to the scriptures.
All are loving their neighbors
Rolling Hills Covenant Church, in Rolling Hills Estates, held its first in-person services Sunday, Aug. 16, 2020, since the coronavirus pandemic began in March. More than 600 people were in attendance across the two services, worshiping under the church’s newly acquired outdoor tent. (Hunter Lee, Press-Telegram/SCNG)