Catholic Priest Apologizes For Describing Lesbians as ‘Holy Spouse’ During Same-Sex Blessing

A Catholic Priest has apologized for describing a lesbian couple as “holy spouses” during his recent same-sex blessing of them, saying he regrets the language used and is “deeply sorry” for the confusion he caused. 

Its more poisonous fruit from Pope Francis’s decision to allow Roman Catholic priests to bless the unions of gay couples, which has done nothing but sow discord and confusion, such was the case with Fr. Joseph S. Williams, CM, the leader of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Chicago, Illinois.

In a video released two weeks ago, Williams officiated a blessing between Kellie Beard, a United Methodist pastrix, and Myah Knight, a therapist and self-described “QTBIPOC”. (Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous People of Color).

[Rev. Williams:] Kelli and Myah, do you freely recommit yourselves to love each other as holy spouses and to live in peace and harmony together forever?

[Beard:] We do. I do.

[Knight:] We do. I do.

[Rev. Williams:] Loving God, increase and consecrate the love which Kelli and Myah have for one another. The rings that they have exchanged are the sign of their fidelity and commitment. May they continue to prosper in your grace and blessing. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

[Beard:] Amen.

[Knight:] Amen.

[Rev. Williams:] May God’s blessing be yours: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

letter sent out by the communication manager for the Mission Western Province says that Williams “regrets the language of the blessing and the use of vestments and the church itself, which he now recognizes were a violation of the norms approved by the Church.”

“The shape that the blessing took as portrayed in the video came about due to my attempt to provide for them a meaningful moment of God’s grace. I wanted to do it well. A week or so after the fact, I viewed the video. I immediately realized that I had made a very poor decision in the words and visuals captured on the video…. I am deeply sorry for any confusion and/or anger that this has caused, particularly for the People of God.”

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