Joe Biden Puts Elderly Pro-Life Woman in Prison for 11 Years for Protesting Abortion

(Life News) Joe Biden’s political prosecutions of pro-life Americans have resulted in another conviction, and this time an elderly pro-life woman has been sentenced 11 years in prison for protesting abortion.

While Americans stage sit ins across the country to protest Israel or the use of oil, only pro-life Americans have a federal law targeting them for engaging in similar protests at abortion centers. Although the law has rarely been used to prosecute pro-life advocates, Joe Biden’s radical abortion agenda includes ramping up prosecutions and he’s already gotten several pro-life people convicted under the federal FACE law.

Now, a 73-year-old woman with medical issues faces over a decade in prison for participating in a rescue at an abortion center in Washington D.C. that kills babies in late-term abortions.

Paulette Harlow (pictured right) was convicted yesterday after a bench trial of violating the law during the protest, which has seen multiple pro-life advocates be convicted. There is a possibility Harlow may serve her prison term under house arrest because she has a significant medical condition… to continue reading click here

This article was written by Steve Ertelt and published at Life News

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10 thoughts on “Joe Biden Puts Elderly Pro-Life Woman in Prison for 11 Years for Protesting Abortion

  1. It’s getting to the point where being prosecuted by this regime is a badge of honor.

    If you aren’t getting 5 – 7 years in prison, what are you even doing for the Lord ?

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