IFB Pastor Steven Anderson’s Son is a Full-Fledged Nazi

Controversial Arizona pastor Steven Anderson, the noted firebrand from the 300-member Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, has an adult son who has gone astray- and we mean really, really astray.

Anderson, who is known for his rigorous Independent Fundamentalist Baptist theology, hatred of Calvinism, a famous clip about men pisseth-ing on walls, and open glee at the thought of homosexuals being frogmarched and killed in the streets, has twelve children, with his oldest being 22-year-old Isaac Anderson. 

We’ve known for a while that he’s been a troubled soul, but a recent article by the Friendly Atheist demonstrates how far he’s come in adopting racist beliefs and ideologies. Trolling the left with subversive posts is one thing; they believe everything is a racist dog whistle of some kind. But getting a Nazi eagle tattooed across one’s chest in a since-deleted post is something else altogether. 

The rest of his feed is no better:

And here lies the disconnect. While Isaac’s overall posture of hatred towards the people Nazis hate- blacks, homosexuals, and other races- could certainly be impacted by Steven’s views of homosexuals, it does not reflect Anderson’s views of race.

Anderson has people of all colors in his church. He has preached publicly against racism for years. One of his primary ministry partners is a Hispanic man, and being from Arizona, non-whites are constantly proselytized and invited to become members of his congregation. 

Eight years ago, he preached a sermon all about supporting and lauding interracial marriages. Three years ago, he preached a sermon titled ‘The Stupidity of Racism’ where he spent 120 minutes going hard in the paint against racism in all its forms. He spent time deconstructing evil racist ideologies and tropes, tearing down spurious arguments, and praising God’s designs for having people of all colors. 

What Isaac believes about racism isn’t what his father believes, but what’s indisputable is that he was raised and radicalized to have pure hatred and contempt for a group of individuals. That came from somewhere. Anderson repeatedly asserted that he taught his sons his particularily noxious breed of theology, and so we should not be surprised when it manifests.

While it’s true that sometimes great, loving parents can have awful, pagan children, sometimes it’s also true that if you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind.

Keep Isaac in your prayers, for the salvation of his soul.

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7 thoughts on “IFB Pastor Steven Anderson’s Son is a Full-Fledged Nazi

  1. Steven Anderson is not racist generally, but he is a raging anti-semite and Holocaust denier. One could see how going that road might lead someone into end up as a neo-Nazi.

  2. Pray for the salvation of Isaac, and also pray for the salvation of his father Steven Anderson. Anderson holds to a heretical view of God, a form of tritheism, wherein he teaches that each member of the Godhead has his own body, own will, own mind, own seat of consciousness. He teaches that each member looks identical, and that Jesus has always, for time and eternity, been a human man; and, that the very words of Scripture (not the printed pages, but the words themselves) are in fact, Jesus Himself. I have personally conversed with him about this, trying to get him to change his mind about the nature of God, but his response was to call me names and dig in his heels on this. He adopted this view of God when he stopped believing in and teaching Modalism (which he never repented of). When you start with a false teacher such as Steven Anderson, it is not surprising to see his son Isaac fall further into depravity, just as his older brother Solomon did when, as an adult, he became involved with younger teens and pre-teens in an online sex chat. Steven Anderson’s response to this was a ‘boys will be boys, just let it go and forget about it’ attitude, saying words to that effect.

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