Five Pro-Life Activists Found Guilty Of Blocking Abortion Clinic Doors, Face DECADE in Prison

Five pro-life activists accused of staging a blockade inside an abortion clinic in 2020 by chaining themselves to the doors have each been found guilty of two felony counts of conspiracy against rights and violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. The jury deliberated for a day and a half before rendering a verdict for Lauren Handy, Heather Idoni, William Goodman, John Hinshaw, and Herb Geraghty.

In 1994, Bill Clinton signed FACE into effect, making it a crime to block clinic access. The defendants now each face up to a maximum of 11 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of up to $350,000, with Biden’s DOJ seeking incarceration and stiff punishment for all parties involved.
According to a report by WUSA9,
On the day of the clinic blockade, Handy and long-time anti-abortion activist Joan Bell – who will go to trial with a second group of defendants next month – waited outside the clinic door while other activists, including her co-defendants Herb Geraghty and William Goodman, hid in an emergency stairwell with a bag of locks and chains. Handy had made an appointment under the false name “Hazel Jenkins.” When a clinic employee opened the door, the activists rushed out of the stairwell and forced their way into the clinic in a chaotic struggle that sent a clinic employee to the hospital with an ankle injury.
Surveillance video appears to show Handy giving directions to other activists, who then moved chairs in front of the door leading from the waiting room to the clinic. Two members of the group – Bell and Paulette Harlow – pulled chains out of a bag and affixed them to bike locks they had placed around their necks. They then sat in chairs in front of the door to form a physical blockade with other activists, including one of the defendants on trial, John Hinshaw. Others went back into the hallway, where some stood in front of the clinic’s employee entrance and others attempted to persuade clinic patients waiting for their appointments to leave.
The rescue occurred at Washington Surgi-Clinic, a facility run by Abortionist “Dr.” Cesare Santangelo, who previously told a pro-life sting operation that if a child survived a botched abortion and was alive outside his or her mother, he would let the child die and would not give it life-saving medical care.
Lauren Hardy made headlines in 2022, when, as the Director of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), an anonymous whistleblower contacted her and revealed they were in possession of some very late-term dead babies that had been killed at this very same clinic. They were transported to Handy’s home, where they were photographed in high definition and their injuries cataloged.
The group, who have been taken into custody and now await a sentencing hearing, say they plan to appeal.

Yet godless, feral BLM and ANTIFA thugs who destroyed billions of dollars worth of property, as well as injured dozens/hundreds of people, were not only NOT convicted, but in numerous cases were REWARDED with millions in taxpayer dollars.
The justice system in this country has gone literally to Hell.
Block someone from murdering the u born-25 to life.
Murder an unborn-her body.
Red is blue, black is white…
Next thing you know they’ll say boys are girls, never mind.