Senior Church of England Bishop Approves Shortening Church Services To Accommodate Viewing Women’s Soccer Match

For decades the deplorable Anglican denomination has been drifting on issues of theology and human sexuality, proving time and time again the 26 million members are not the least bit committed to upholding the biblical teachings but instead adopting the worst excesses of the woke movement in a pathetic and desperate attempt at relevancy, recently voting to affirm and bless same-sex civil marriages.

Led by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is an all-around simpish and effete hireling, the Church of England long ago abandoned all biblical fidelity, demonstrating their baser proclivities this week after Senior Church of England Bishop Libby Lane gave her blessing for churches to restructure their Sundays so they could watch or a women’s soccer match game, after many congregations pledged to do just that. According to The Times UK:

The Rev Andrew Downes, vicar of St Mary’s, Sunbury-on-Thames, said: “We are shortening our main morning eucharist and then live-streaming the game with bacon rolls and fizz.”

St Werburgh’s, a church in Chorlton in Manchester, has moved its service from 10.45am to 10am, telling its congregation: “This week we’ll be starting the service earlier to watch [the final] together at the church.”

The Rev Elis Matthews, vicar at St Mary’s Spring Grove in Isleworth in west London, said: “The church service at St Mary’s will be adapted to ensure we can all watch England in a World Cup Final. Go Lionesses.”

The Rev Carol Atkins said that her church in Reading had “swapped our service for a community watch of the final”, while St Luke’s, a church in Bournemouth, said: “We’ll be worshipping as usual on Sunday at 10am but endeavouring to finish before 11am and then screening the World Cup final on the big screen in church.”

The announcement that several churches were rescheduling their services earlier or canceling altogether to accommodate congregants who wanted to cheer the Lionesses soccer club participating in their first World Cup final (They ultimately lost 0-1 to Spain) prompted Lane to respond and lend her support:

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